PA best fishing waters surprises



May 10, 2013
anybody get the chance to check out the Pa best fishing waters chart on the fish and boat website I saw it yesterday and my home waters the wissahickon was one of the best places to fish for stocked trout, anyway if you get the chance head over to the fish and boat website and check it out they have all the types of fish in Pa like wild trout, musky, bass, panfish its pretty cool.
Don't read too much into my selection of the Wissahickon in Phila. First, it is on public land, unlike most in the SE. Second, it is surprisingly scenic for being in an urban environment. Third, it could take extra fishing pressure since it does not receive the very heavy pressure that it used to in the 1980's and early 1990's. Those three factors, along with a good stocking rate, placed it on the list. Nevertheless, thanks for noticing and mentioning the lists, which were developed within the past year. They are worth checking for warmwater species as well and the warmwater lists have a strong biological basis.
Mike, in 250 words or less, why did the Commission decide to do this kind of ranking and publication of suggested places to fish?
The Commissioners wanted to promote the best or some of the best waters for each species. The idea began with promoting the best trout or so-called blue ribbon waters and then was expanded to other species and species groups.
Mike, what does that do to all other non-blue ribbon waters? I think it de-promotes them. Thus, from now on, why not the "top twenty-five?"

Maybe I should look at the data provided, huh? Linkage, please.
OMG, Jack, you sound like me. Anyhow, thankfully they missed a lot of places.

At least one they listed has experienced increasing posting over the past few years, though the website included a disclaimer noting that some of these places might not be all publicly accessible.

Guess that's all before I get something started.
The wissahickon was one of my old stops. I used to love fishing stock trout in the park, it was so incredibly scenic. But by the mid 90's the city decided to "limit" parking availablilty to get to the stream. They even roped off Valley Green from fisherman. I remember one cop telling me I would get arrested if I didn't leave and supplied no details as to why. I never really looked into the matter, there are so many places to fish, my guess is that it might have been local residence complaints? The one area that had a lot of police / fisherman tension was the road that went off of Allens Lane into the park. That was also one of my most favorite spots to fish. Anyone have experience fishing there recently? If that area is now opened back up I would definitely add that to one of my spring opener trips.

I think the Wissahickon and Pennypack, are both great urban streams. I'm noy familiar with other urban streams but when I go about a mile into Pennypack I feel like I'm in the country.
There are no data provided, just maps and names of waters. Perhaps if you drill down in the maps there is more info. I have not checked that aspect out. . To view the info just use the search engine at the pfbc web site and enter "best waters," which is what I did yesterday before I responded. Whatever the number of waters chosen ranging from 0-25 it is probable that somebody would not be happy.
well, at least I learned that the Letort is a one of the best brook trout fisheries out there.

Talk about a spot burn.
I don't understand the channel cats listing, did they only consider reservoirs? I've caught channel cats in the susky north branch on buggers and topwater poppers, none of them have been under 20 inches.

Uhh,.. err,... nah, better off to keep it a secret