
Orvis.com has their Encounter outfits (rod, reel, line) on sale for $99. They have an 8' 5 wt that might suit you.

If you do decide to get into the sport I can help getting you started with some flies and accessories. I have plenty and would be happy to help.

Orvis.com has their Encounter outfits (rod, reel, line) on sale for $99. They have an 8' 5 wt that might suit you.

If you do decide to get into the sport I can help getting you started with some flies and accessories. I have plenty and would be happy to help.

Thank you, greatly appreciate it I’m still kicking the idea around a lot depends on my up coming work schedule for this year
Hi name is Chris, I just turned 41 I’m debating on getting into fly fishing, something to past the time when I’m not chasing deer or turkeys. Been looking at all the gear an other things that are involved with fly fishing an it’s overwhelming to say the least lol . Hunting is so much easier to learn an read sign. Just wondering what got you guys into fly fishing an how many years you’ve been at it ? Thanks
Hi Chris.
I started FF 2005.
Living in Seattle. Enjoying modest success throwing spoons & spinners for Salmon & Steelhead.
I routinely fished a big variety of water traveling 1-2 hrs. There are NUMEROUS LEGENDARY creeks & rivers in Pacific NW.
The Stillaguamish River is one of those with a FF ONLY section I would always drive past on my way to throw spoons on The Skagit.

In a fun way, It REALLY bothered me that I could not stop, scout & fish that FFO section of "The Stilly" like I would any other water.
After several of these " drive bys" over cpl years...I said F_ck IT !!!
I am gonna budget $200 and learn how to play the game.

Best decision I ever made.

Go with your instincts.
Not so much about results or immed gratification.

It is all about time on the water.

Your victories, small & large will come, mixed with doses of zero fish days and technical frustrations.

If u have come this far, sounds like u r headed in the right direction.
I tell it like it is. Get going and gone! Say bye bye to your old world. New. life and i mean new!

Maybe, as we say, the worm has turned!


Been at it for 40 years or so. I'm up closer to Harrisburg. If you come up this way, I'll meet you and help you out with getting a rig set up. Probably have a line I can give you along with some flies. Could even run down to the river and review a few basic casts so you can get started.

I think Echo base and Redington path are 2 complete outfits that you can start on as well as use for years to come. You can find them for $129-$169 depending on the seller. Line, reel and leader included. The path even has a pretty nice rod/reel case.

8' - 8.5' in a 4 or 5 weight should be fine for the area. You can always overline the rod if needed.
I like this guys videos and this one is spot on for this topic. I am a big fan of Redington Rods and for 150 bucks your fishing IMO a very good rod. The 10ft 7wt Redington Path is my new favorite rod.

Nice video. I started flyfishing as a teenager with a cheap Shakespeare fiberglass rod outfit and caught fish. I started spin fishing, but late season when my local streams got low and clear, like the stream in the video, the fly guys were catching all the fish. Tired of getting skunked I bought a cheap outfit from Terminal Army & Navy in Easton, PA and the rest is history.
I still have my Eagle Claw Feather Light 6'6 5wt - the 1st fly rod i ever purchased and i still fish it. It has been sent to the wind multiple times and always comes home. 32 bucks at walmarts today . Super fun to fish. The first gen redington minnow kids rod is one of the best rods I have ever had in my hand. i think i paid 60 bucks for the last one on ebay. Bonus, Redington has some of the best customer service I have ever had to deal with. Glooms the worst !

For flies - https://www.bigyflyco.com

i'd take Karyfish2 up on that offer btw. Amazing caster , rower and the nicest guy you may ever meet.