Outter Banks/ Flies



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
I just booked a trip to the outter banks/ Ocracoke Island in June. I am getting ready to hunker down and tie flies for the winter. I have zero experience fishing in the salt,

Here is the question....... Anyone have any effective patterns that I may be able to tie for this type/ location of fishing??


Clousers, Deceivers, any pattern that imitates Silversides, peanut bunker, herrring, shad, shrimp, crabs, etc. Here's the URL for the Atlantic Salt Water Flyrodders(central NJ)salt water fly section. A lot of the patterns have step by step instructions with pictures.


I'm partial to Bob Popovics and Steve Farrar's patterns. You may also want to check a regional board for that area. There may be some local patterns you may want to tie up.
Thanks for the info... The link you sent is just what I was hoping for
if you want to know the area check here..www.outerbanksflyfishing.com
the best in the area...also what flies to use...
I was at the Fly Fishing Fair in Carlisle last March and there was a man selling his produck called "Fish Skin" and "Nymph Skin" both a form of leather. It makes extremely durable flies. One was a minnow imitation -- fish skin, and the other a baby flounder -- nymph skin. He used an up-curved hook, and glued one piece of light brown leather for the belly, and a darker more textured piece for the top of the fly. In the middle was grizzley colored feathers that protruded from between the pieces of material. Try looking up his material form a search engine.

I know a company based out of Tailand not replicates his flies with his materials.

Good Luck.

Here are my favorite links to outer banks FFing info. Go to the forum on the website of the last three links and you can keep track of whats going on, right up until the day you leave. The posters are real great and helpful, or at least they were for me last year.

But yeah, what someone said earlier, Clousers and Deceivers and half and halfs ...check on that site for color combinations as you get closer. But Brian Horsley who runs the charter...and runs the site should be able to help. I didn't catch a lot last year but it was more from lack of time and effort then anything else. Ended up fishing from the beach (near the family) with spinning gear and catching just about anything you could think of. Good luck.

One more thing...maybe its how I tie or how they tie but I noticed that their flies seem o be tied more sparsely that than regular Clousers. Go thin with the bucktail or ultra hair...
the clouser was originally tied sparse, think over the years it has grown in materials, I also see alot tied with the eyes close to the head when they should be tied back more...when you strip one in and pause it should not dive head first like a jig..just sort of angle down like a bait fish..materials and balance are a key in tying it.
Depending on what you'll be fishing for there I would go with a decieverish fly. Once you research saltwater flies you'll discover a trend in color size etc... Also look into Puglisi flies and materials. I love the "stuff" for tying and use it to tie clousers and various forms of shrimp, crabs and deciever looking flies. Seaducer is another great pattern. 1/0 or 2/0 hooks are somewhat standard. Also, google the Schminnow. I dont know how it will work in NC but the Snook off the beaches here love em. Easy to tie, its just like a wooly bugger with eyes and no hackle. Check it out. Good luck