


New member
Jul 19, 2016
3/24/19 Loyalhanna Creek,Westmoreland county, full of outlaws. I hate to even make a comment like that, but sadly it’s true! Just came from the delayed harvest section on the Loyalhanna and two anglers fishing bait. On of the anglers tried to keep the fish. Got disgusted and on the way home, three more anglers fishing the open water at the causeway at Sleepy Hollow. So I drove down across the causeway and they also had a couple fish on the stringer. This was the second bunch I’ve seen fishing the causeway since the PFBC stocked and this is only the fourth time I’ve been out. And this is going on,on a weekend and the causeway is wide open to see from the highway. Always have caught a few violators in the delayed harvest area since it’s beginning,but it has gotten worse since the change to Keystone Select. The slobs are willing to do anything to jerk out the bigger fish. It also created a circus atmosphere that actually chased away anglers to the point they quit buying a license, Again! I’m not laying on the bull to that comment. I got quite a few anglers back into trout fishing because of that delayed harvest. The selling point to start again for these anglers was that it’s not a competition area like the open water. And yes, it was fly fishing also that got them interested. But like most anglers, these people have to work five day’s or more. Yes many on here know this is not one of our best waters,not even close!But for most of them, it’s the only fishing they get! And they get pushed out by the excess pressure and the slobs this new classification the PFBC gave to this section of stream. This was not suited for Keystone Select like some of the other waters. Very easy accessibility, to narrow and way to many dead spots that don’t hold fish. All which contribute to the circus fishing and the increase of outlaws!
blkpowder wrote:
3/24/19 Loyalhanna Creek,Westmoreland county, full of outlaws. I hate to even make a comment like that, but sadly it’s true! Just came from the delayed harvest section on the Loyalhanna and two anglers fishing bait. On of the anglers tried to keep the fish. Got disgusted and on the way home, three more anglers fishing the open water at the causeway at Sleepy Hollow. So I drove down across the causeway and they also had a couple fish on the stringer.

Did you contact the local WCO to report this?

While it's perfectly all right to blow off some steam on an internet forum (many of us share your frustration with various enforcement issues) - it is more useful to notify law enforcement. Ditto for complaints or concerns about pollution, fish kills, etc.
Yes I did,but office is closed! I called 1-814-445-8974 this is the southwest office. Unless there is another number to call other than the main office?
I was there on Wednesday morning and also came upon a guy who i suspected was using bait. I never actually saw anything, however he stopped fishing after i walked near him and never did fish again while i was in view of him. Many select fish were clearly visible in water so temptation is probably high in that stretch of Loyalhanna.
Maybe if the PAFBC raises license fees they can afford more WCOs to patrol and enforce. I was raised to respect and follow rules and laws. Poachers really rankle me.

In case it's not clear, I am referring to another active thread here.
Am sorry to hear this. I hope your warden finally gets contacted and can figure out who the outlaws are. Unfortunately, there are slobs like this nearly everywhere. Around here, it's not so much fishermen as it is illegal "hunters."
Next time call 911 and ask them if they can contact the WCO. I've done that before.
Try to get your local WCO to make his cell phone number widely known. Post his number at local retail bait/fly shops, co-op hatcheries, etc. Call him direct when you see a violation. (calling a regional office on evenings/weekends is useless). Here in Chester County, the WCO accepts and welcomes all calls and is on it instantly.
Being involved in Tu I always have a relationship with all my local WCO's with that being said all the active members in my chapter have my number and report any witnessed violations to me, were I report the violation to the conservations officers . Needless to say we have a nice little network in my area to report any violations . Our little network has accounted for multiple fines, an arrest by the state police with car getting impounded .
Well folks if the laws were written in such a way to enforce this bad behavior and poor up bringing then this activity would come to an end. I mean real laws and penalties and not a slap on the wrist. Also Fish and Boat could raise some additional funding as a result of the stiffer fines tied to the bad behavior. As a result of this bad behavior in the form of littering and poaching my land has many yellow signs up and down the stream. Why this activity is still an 'age old tradition' is PA is just a head scratchier to say the least, but the root cause of this is the penalties/enforcement is just lame.

Could be since PAFBC staff has been reduced from 432 to 376, it’s tough to enforce the laws.
Can’t have it cheap and good.

I dunno who the Westmoreland Co WCO even is anymore?
Pretty sure Jim Vatter retired... I do know two deputies. At least they were deputies...

And poaching there ( On Loyalhanna) is nothing new.
If the WCOs had eco boost engines which are much quieter than V8s, they could sneak up on the poachers way easier. Then maybe we could raise the fines to like $5000 because most poachers would pay the fine. And if they don't pay the fine they could go to jail because that doesn't cost taxpayers anything.
blkpowder wrote:
Yes I did,but office is closed! I called 1-814-445-8974 this is the southwest office. Unless there is another number to call other than the main office?

Just leave a message with the information.

Perhaps another good reason to combine PFBC with PGC. More eyes.
You are right Dave, the Loyalhanna was alway's a hard hit area for poaching. But I notice it escalating to a higher level for these Keystone Select fish. I just can't believe the balls on these people doing so anymore. They have to know the majority of fishermen probably have a cell-phone on them!

And thanks gentlemen for your idea's. Will get a hold of Drew at Forbes Trail TU about an officers direct number.
I’d be fine with putting them in the gallows for 4 hours on opening Saturday at the local public access point. With a “Trout Poachers” sign hung. That aught to discourage some of the nonsense. Release them at lunchtime with a 3 year ban on fishing and hunting in our great Commonwealth! Oh and give their rods/reels to some needy kids.
Here's your solution....don't stock keystone select water until the season opens.
Matt Kauffman is your local WCO.
(he also resides close to the Loyalhanna)

His office number is 814-445-8974.

Perhaps the youth mentor day was confusing some folks.

I wish Pennsylvania would handle this like MD. Generally, certain sections/streams have no closure. Put and take waters are closed from March 10 to March 30th (2-1/2 weeks) or March 24th to March 30th (7 days). They stock from March through May (spring stocking) and in some of those streams you can fish where they stock, while they stock (if you're so inclined).

Areas that are not put-n-take have a 2 trout limit. Put-n-take is 5 fish. Then the delayed harvest/special regs areas of course.

Might seem odd, but I think it diffuses the interest throughout the year. Basically, people have more opportunities throughout the year to fish for fresh stockers if they want. In PA, they have this huge build up to opening day, like it's some major event. It entices people to poach. I think people have it in their heads that the trout show up in march and are gone by May. If the "opening day" were blurry in a sense that you can fish pretty much year round with stockings happening sporadically throughout the year, then March 31st is no different than June 31st.

I see people fishing year round in MD and I've been on/near a put-n-take water on "opening day" and it's not really much different than any other day. Maybe a few more people around, but not like some waters in PA on opening day. It also seems to provide better fishing year round IMO.
We have an age old tradition here in PA and ithe root cause is entitlement, bad behavior and poor up bringing. Fine these outlaws $5,000 for poaching or using bait in these special sections and this issue would go away real fast. The fines and enforcement is basically a joke. I am holding this same discussion on the PA bow hunting forum in regards to trespassing. Same lame fines and penalties so it continues on and here we will continue to talk about it. The only way to get entitled people to think is through their wallet.
