Orvis Hydros 3D Line



Jan 27, 2013
I am looking at a new line for my helios 5wt tip flex. I have used SA GPX with it since I purchased it and I really like it. I am always up for trying new products and the Hydros 3D lines have me intrigued. If you have it, what do you think of it? Also, I have been looking at the regular hydros power taper, as I believe its comparable to the GPX. Anybody have a tip flex helios matched with that line?

Any info would be great.

Thank you


Either will work well with your rod. Check out Flyfishers Paradise right down the road from you. Steve has both lines and will help you decide.
Are you just looking to replace your line? The GPX line is a 1/2 line weight heavier. Orvis lines are made by SA so you're probably not going to notice too much difference in the lines.If you liked the GPX, contact Orvis and see which of thier lines is comparable in grain weights.
If you're looking to try something new, then try a line that is closer to a standard 5wt.