Orvis Clearwater 4wt



Aug 10, 2013
Berks/Tioga County
Does anybody have any experience with this outfit? It's a mod-fast action, and I'm looking for a 4wt for fall trout. I thought about selling my two 5wts to have enough to buy it. I want to make sure most of the people have had positive experiences with it, and if not, I am looking for an outfit around the same price. I also saw the redington path, and that seemed like another rod that I would be interested in. Thanks for the information guys!
Have one (10 footer). Love it.

I have a 9'5w Clearwater. Its a nice rod/reel combo for the price.
steveo27 wrote:
I have a 9'5w Clearwater. Its a nice rod/reel combo for the price.

Got the same setup. I like it a lot.
I replaced 2 9' 4 wts. due to breaking. I threw in the extra cash and went with the 9' 4wt Recon. Nice rod.
Yea, I broke a new Orvis rod casting it: the base of the blank in the cork. Very weird feeling. However, Orvis has arguably the best warranty service in the business.

That said, two thoughts: one, Clearwaters are a great value, but two, getting rid of two 5 weights for one 4 weight could be a problem if you're not familiar with 4 weights and if you're a versatile fisherman. I've sold stuff before to make room for new things and have definitely regretted it. If you came up with a 5 weight, you will max out the 4 weight. This is of course dependent on where you're fishing, though. If you're on medium-small water and you don't fish streamers or heavy nymphs when the water is up you will be ok. However, if you're going to bigger water, even casting a March Brown dry 40 ft with some wind will be increasingly difficult when compared to the 5.

5s are strange and undervalued, even as the 905 is arguably the most popular model around. They can be bulky on small rivers and too light at times on big rivers, but they manage to do it all and more often than not wind up being just right.

Point is, be sure of your decision. If I were you I would maybe sell one and then save what you need for the 4. I have no idea what your schedule is like, but if you go to Craigslist and to the "gigs" section you can find random quick jobs, mostly moving jobs, that will generate some extra cash for you. Always worked for me, and gave me a few funny stories along the way, too..... like the time I dropped a couch down a flight of stairs and pinned a man against a wall. I swear I told everyone involved that I was tapped out!
I have an 8 1/2 ft. I absolutely love it! Orvis is by far the best rod maker in my opinion and with this reasonably priced rod you can't go wrong. I am looking to pick up a 10 foot 4wt in the clearwater soon.
I have an 8'6" 4wt Clearwater that I like a lot. I don't have much to compare it with since it is my only rod.
Have one 8'6" 4wt...vg rod.Have too many 3 and 4 wts n will be listing them plus a bunch of other rods here in the next few days
I have a 10' 4wt Clearwater. It's a nice rod. It has a lot of power for a 4wt. I've landed some big trout in fast water with it that would be a struggle with my GLoomis Light Presentation 4wt. If you're a Orvis fan, look on eBay for discontinued, new Access rods. They're a step up from the Clearwater and I passed up a few 9' 4wt's for around the $200 range on there.