Orvis 9' 5w Encounter Outfit Review? Thoughts?



Jun 4, 2014
First off, quick background/back story...

I purchased an Orvis Clearwater 9'5w outfit over the winter and love it. I gave my old lady the Cabela's brand set up I was using before. She hates it. I hated it. After switching to the Clearwater, it a night and day difference between the 2. Ive let her use my new outfit and she's much more comfortable casting it.

However, she does not fish very often, and when we do fish, she only fishes for a little while then gets bored. I should just be thankful she enjoys going on these fishing trips and like spending time outside, right?

Anywho, I think part of the problem is the rod/reel she's using. I think the other part of the problem was the waders she wore weren't very comfortable - she has since gotten a new, much more comfortable pair. But the problem with the rod/reel still lingers.

When we're fishing, I'll typically let her use my Orvis rod when shes interested in fishing, and she seems to do better with it. She seems to have fun with it. She can cast much better. All around, it seems like a much better fit for her.

Alright, all of that brings me to this....

I was looking for something similar to the Clearwater setup I have, for her. However, since she doesn't fish as much as I do (I typically fish 2-4 times a week, she fishes maybe 2-4 times a month) I was looking to spend a little less than I did on mine just because we are on a tight budget (were in the middle of purchasing out first home). Im looking for something that'll perform similar to mine.

Orvis has their "budget" outfit, the Encounter, for 160$ and is currently offering free shipping. Ive read the reviews and have done some research, and it seems like the perfect entry level set up for someone who fishes occasionally (like her). Only real issue I see is it doesnt carry their 25 year warranty.

Does anyone on here any real world experience with this combo? Any complaints? Comments? Ect?

Thanks a ton guys.

It could be the Cabelas outfit just needs a better fly line. Try putting the reel from your Clearwater outfit on the Cabelas and see if that helps.

I've never used the Encounter so I can't help you there but Ive never cast an Orvis I didn't like.

If you're looking for a cheap rod, the Echo base is $89. Ive cast it with GPX and was very impressed.
Thanks for the input.

The Cabela's set up is 7'6" 3w - I forgot to mention this above. It too short/light for a lot of the streams we fish together, but I do used it on the smaller streams I fish alone.
I use the Encounter 8 wt for salmon and never have an issue. I know someone who uses the 8'6'' 5 wt and it casts great.
for the price, this is a great setup for someone who will not use it often.
On a tight budget, the encounter is hard to beat. I think it is definitely possible to piece together an outfit from individual parts and come close to that price, but I don't think you gain much in performance. It's not a bad rig.

P.s. I would not be concerned about warranty at this price point. If the rod breaks, you're going to be $30 in the hole to get it fixed plus shipping. That is the orvis warranty on their higher end rods.
Thanks for the advice guys

advice. Hold out a little longer when more $ is available. You know she likes the clearwater. What if she encounters the same feel with the cheaper orvis as the cabelas? Don't make her feel she's less of a fisher-person than you. cultivate the fig bug as much as possible.
Best case scenario, you can wait a bit, get another high quality rod in a different configuration (wt, length etc). Then you'd have two good rods "in the family"
I stopped reading reviews and found there is not a rod I can't cast and I have not one rod that I enjoy over another. I always like buying last years latest greatest for discounted prices. The above post makes a great point. You already know she likes the Clearwater so maybe you can find a used one or last years model.
Buy the less expensive "comparable" rod and let her use your Orvis when she is out with you, satisfying yourself to fish the comparable rod on those few occasions per month. Problem solved without going the extra dough.
Again, thanks for the advice guys.

Jack, I thought about that actually at one point.

Also, I took CathyG's advice today just to see what would happen. I overloaded the 7'6" 3w with the reel/5w line off my Orvis setup. All I can say is wow. The pole loads and casts like a dream now.

Im honestly 100% surprised with how smooth it felt. I had no problem casting it the same distance I would fish my 9' 5w at.

For the time being, while I can save up the extra cash for another 9' 5w Clearwater outfit, I think Im just going to overload the rod with 5w line.

I have an old Martin model 63 that has been collecting dust for years that Ive been wanting to use. Instead of stripping the line off the Cabelas reel, Im just going to add 5w line to the model 63 and use it with the Cabelas rod.

I'll be able to fish this outfit with no issues if she wants to use my Orvis outfit. Also, I feel this setup will make a new small stream/brookie rod.

Again, thanks for all the info and help guys
poopdeck wrote:
I stopped reading reviews and found there is not a rod I can't cast and I have not one rod that I enjoy over another. I always like buying last years latest greatest for discounted prices. The above post makes a great point. You already know she likes the Clearwater so maybe you can find a used one or last years model.

With a little experience most anglers can cast any rod. But there are vast differences between many rods just as casting ability as well as casting style varies with each individual. Casting and enjoying casting a particular rod are two different things for most folks. As far as performance, some rods do a good job for a particular type of fishing while others fall short.

In general, when trying to select a rod, define what you want a rod to do for you and try different rods that fit the bill with respect to rod weight, rod length, rod action within your price range. Also consider warranty and ability to have the rod repaired.
IMHO if your wife (or anyone) wishes to fly fish, even if it's only occasionally, that she have her own fly rod, reel, and other gear.

It's the same with other sports and activities. If you have gear that is YOURS, it creates a very different psychological connection to the activity than if you are borrowing another person's gear.
Good point Troutbert. I never really looked at it that way, but that really makes sense.

I play ice hockey and couldnt imagine using someone else's stick or skates.

I did finally talk to her about this whole situation today. She wasnt too keen on me spending 300$ on an outfit for her at the moment but I was allowed to spend 40$ on new line. Back to the drawing board I guess. Hopefully she likes getting fishing gear for Christmas as much as I do.

Again. Thanks for all the help guys. Seeing different view points really makes a difference.
poopdeck wrote:
I stopped reading reviews and found there is not a rod I can't cast and I have not one rod that I enjoy over another. I always like buying last years latest greatest for discounted prices. The above post makes a great point. You already know she likes the Clearwater so maybe you can find a used one or last years model.

If you fish enough, you will be able to tell the difference between rods. Just 'casting' and enjoying the rod are two completely different things.

Also, fly rods aren't like cars. A brand new Clearwater produced in 2014 will be the same price as a 2015. Only way to get discounted is used or wait until they update the line (I don't think they will be doing that anytime soon but what do i know?)

I say let her use the Clearwater while you two fish together and save up to by her one or save up more and spoil yourself go wild on a rod purchase. Nothing wrong with spoiling yourself every once in a while.

Might as well buy stuff like this when your young and can get an entire lifetime of use out it.

edit: I bought the clearwater 9ft 5wt for both my brother and uncle. It is a great rod and they both enjoy it. I tried it and the 8'6" 5wt version and found I liked the 9 footer much better. Had much more power, accuracy and feel at all distances IMO.

If you want. I have an 9 5wt Encounter Outfit I am no longer using. I got a new rod and reel for Father's Day and it's just sitting on the shelf.
Let me know if you want it to try out.
Just trying to help you out. Remember Happy wife means a Happy life. Lol