Organizing tying materials, How do you do it?



Jun 4, 2014
Pretty simple question. How do you organize your tying materials?

I finally started getting more comfortable with tying, so Ive been expanding my materials. I used to keep them in a plastic tub and I was able to find everything pretty easily, but now with more materials, the tub is now over flowing and is a mess to find anything in.

Im looking for some tips and tricks on how you organize everything. I currently do not have a permanent tying desk (I use a small table in my basement) so I need to be able to move the materials when I need the table for other things. Im not apposed to building a small moveable tying bench though.

Lets see/hear how you organize your threads, dubbing, foam, tools, feathers, ect.
I separate my stuff by gallon bags that are in tubs. I organize my hooks in different bags (nymph, scud, streamer, dries). Beads (tungsten in one; brass/glass in another); Threads; wires; dubbing (separated into dry and nymph bags); etc.

My tubs are organized as nymph, dry and streamer.

Bigger things such as hackles I keep in a larger tub together.

The thing I do - or try to do and sometimes succeed- is just tie one type of fly at a time. I will get the material out I need and tie enough for the entire year and then put it all away before moving onto the next one.

Planning your flies ahead really helps keep you fly tying space organized and looking nice without feathers blowing in the wind.

Having a dedicated small space for tying is very nice because it will reduce the amount of time it takes to tie flies. Having to unpack and pack every time you tie will add 15-20 minutes to the night and that could be spent tying.
^this...gallon bags or quart bags inside gallon bags work well and I purchased a three drawer plastic storage thing to put it all in. Then you can organize everything into say dry fly materials, nymph materials, streamer materials, etc....although obviously there's some overlap it works well for me.
I use these from Walmart. They cost about $3.25 each - 16.25 x 7.00 x 6.12 Inches


For small bags of hair, dubbing and other stuff I use 3 ring binders with pocket inserts:


These are expensive: $15.00 each from Amazon. I already had two from years ago when I used them for CDs/DVDs. They are called Bellagio Italia CD-DVD Storage Binders.

They're all stored in a bookcase next to my tying desk.
Gallon bags and plastic office bins.

I have them in three columns: drys nymphs and steamers.
nfrechet, I use the same bins. Can be bought at Walmart for a buck or so. And like you, I label the front. I also have larger bins for some materials.
I use a few Rubbermaid totes and gallon bags organized by types like dry fly hackle and cdc, gamebirds feathers and skins for wets, natural dubbing, synthetic dubbing, dry hooks etc.

I used to have a permanent tying area, but I'd get lazy with putting things away, and only tying a couple of a fly type here and there. It was chaos. I have an area I tie at now, but it's not "permanent" and I only pull what I need to tie a dozen or more of one pattern. once I'm done everything goes back into storage immediately. Now I'm more efficient with my tying time, my ties look better, and no messy desk.
djs12354 wrote:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I was just about to reply: "In large piles"
Get out while you can, it all just keeps growing and growing. Eventually you will have to build an addition to your house. LOL
They make small plastic "dressers" that have 4 (or more) drawers; one or two of these is sufficient for me. The drawers are labeled, such as "dubbing," "hackle," "threads," "feathers," etc.
I have a computer desk set in a corner of lower level family room. Excess stuff goes in the cabinet portions of that.
On the wall in front of me I have peg board and hooks where materials hang. Problem is I have the same issue with cleaning up as some others on here, so right now there is a pile of various materials on the desk surface as well. I am pretty lazy and that has gotten worse lately.
I like the idea someone mentioned about just getting out what is needed to tie a specific pattern and tying a ton of them then cleaning up. Time will tell if I will adopt such an approach but don't bet on it!!
Thanks for the tips guys. I did what you mentioned Jack. I went to Wally World a bought a few small 5 drawer organizers. 1 set is dedicate to tools and hooks and beads. The other ones are dubbings, chenille, hackle feathers, ect. I also put all the bigger stuff in ziplock bags - big feathers in one. Deer/elk hair in another, foam in one. Squirrel hides in another, ect... I store all the bags in a big tub now.

Its working out MUCH better than before.
Don't forget cedar or something to keep the bugs out.
Thanks for adding that within the drawers, different materials are kept in plastic bags, often the original packaging. I know I shared a photo of my desk before. I'll look for it.
SteveG wrote:
Don't forget cedar or something to keep the bugs out.

Good point. I buy cedar chips at a pet store and "cheese cloth". Put the cedar chips in the cheese cloth and tie it with string. Less messy that way.
I bought a sewing thread organizer from a local sewing shop to organize thread, tinsel, wire, etc. It works quite well.


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I actually use a combination of plastic four drawer cabinet, a "trapper-keeper" three ring binder with sleeves, a brief case and the strategic piles. You know, the "throw it on the bench, I'll put it away later method". :)


Gone4Day wrote:
Volksnurse wrote:
djs12354 wrote:
I was just about to reply: "In large piles"

Stratigraphic - oldest on the bottom! :pint: