Opinions on Penns Creek slot limit proposed



Active member
Jun 14, 2008

Curious on your thoughts about the slot limit proposed for the trophy section of Penns creek. Here is the link if you didn't know about it.

Well then troutbert I guess there is not need to talk about it. Never saw that topic on here but as it gets closer and to pass the time at work would love some entertainment for the day hearing thoughts on it. Some guy also told me on the stream saturday morning that he saw the Ingleby monster that is also very entertaining.
What is the ingleby monster? A fish I presume?
Heberly wrote:
What is the ingleby monster? A fish I presume?

There is a tale of lore that a "shedevil" appears in the inglby area of Penns Creek. I have no experience with it except that Merle (an old member from the board who lives in Indiana) asked about it when at the Jam one year....of course he called the area Ingleberry, so.....

Then there is this....

Seven Mountains Monster
Maurice wrote:
Heberly wrote:
What is the ingleby monster? A fish I presume?

There is a tale of lore that a "shedevil" appears in the inglby area of Penns Creek. I have no experience with it except that Merle (an old member from the board who lives in Indiana) asked about it when at the Jam one year....of course he called the area Ingleberry, so.....

Then there is this....

Seven Mountains Monster

And this....more research
Penns should be all catch and release on the entire stream

Ingleby Moster is a tale long told around here as well as the Coburn switchman. Tim not many at all do I think get takin out. Im for c@r I never keep a trout but I understand that it doesn't hurt to harvest some.
There seems to be wide spread support for the proposal, I think there are other candidates for slot limits, where they would work, but I'm in favor of baby steps. This happens to be a big one for PFBC.
I would have no comment. So much of that water fishes so well, that I cannot imagine any such regulations having a significant impact. I'm neither for nor against it. I think they ought to do the regs in accordance with landowners' wishes.
Jack it would be c@r fly fishing only if not for the land owners. I don't mind the all tackle 14+ regs at all see kids fishing spin gear and guys I think it's great that anyone wants to fish. Im interested of how this guy across the walk bridge in Coburn has a posted sign in the path going down but on the way back his signs are just on the sides not sure if he doesn't mind if you go thru on the way back or what. I never see him or he's way far away everytime Im thru the path.
I think the slot limit will be OK, but that it won't make much difference because the major gains have already been made. I remember when that section was stocked and under general regs. The change to not stocking and protective harvest regs has made a big difference. But once the major gains have been made, tweaking will only produce minor gains because the population has already improved up to near its full potential.

Changing the management from Spring Mills to Ingleby (currently stocked and under general harvest regs) has a lot more potential to improve trout populations than tweaking the existing special regs from Ingleby down to the C&R area.

Changing the management on Kish Creek, and Bald Eagle Cr from Spring Creek to the lake (both stocked and under general harvest regs) also has a lot more potential to improve trout populations than tweaking existing special regs on Penns.

Those stream sections are currently far below their potential, just as that section of Penns was before the management changes.

On wild trout streams, whether limestone or freestone, the combination of stocking and general regs suppresses the trout population below the potential of the stream.
I am in favor of slot limits and the biggest reason is that it is a "compromise". A concept I wish our people in Washington and Harrisburg could begin to understand. I know quite a few landowners and totally understand their views but at the same time as a person who doesn't take trout, I'd like C&R regs. This way we each get a little and we each give a little. And in my opinion, that's a good thing.

+1 on changing the regs on Kish Creek and the Lower Bald Eagle. The LBE in particular.

A 27 inch brownie was caught 2 weeks ago ugliest trout I have ever seen but huge in the stocked area which is spring mills to coburn bridge.

I agree though on the fact of not stocking over good wild trout streams 100%. I think the regs are fine as they are right now but I have no problem with the slot limit or if it was c@r.

Was that fish in the upper end toward spring mills? Different clubs stock some pretty big fish in the upper part of penns creek. Both browns and rainbows.

No it wasn't the upper end was a hold over from a while back Id say no color at all was a monster huge hooked jaw.
Sorry, responding to another comment above unrelated to penns.
+1 for changes to the LBE (lower bald eagle). This, like Kish and Honey creek, is a stream that would thrive under regulations. While people attribute it's fertility to Spring Creek, and this is a big part of it, there are other limestone influences along it's length (or at least cool springs)
Problem is, this is a very popular put and take fishery and changes would get people very upset around here. I think something along the lines of a DHALO from the confluence with Spring creek to the Rt 80 bridge, or better yet the RR trestle, would be fine. Nice compromise. This would keep open most of the more popular spots for harvest and opening day fisherman and families. I fish this stream a lot and after the first week (or after the second stocking) you'll find few hard-core harvest fisherman in this section. - hard core meaning out to collect the limit. people do harvest a few, I'll take some stocked rainbows 3-4 times a year from April to June.

FYI: PFBC has only stocked rainbows in that section for the past two years. So if you catch a brown they are holdovers or wild. With this in mind, may be allowing only the harvest of rainbows would be a good idea. To my knowledge, PA has not used species specific harvest
Lower Bald Eagle is as good a wild trout stream as you will find. People don't realize what is in there.