Opening day =Easter weekend.

Chaz wrote:
The Fish and Boat Commission in their infinite wisdom, changed the way they determined opening day, sometime around 1990 so that opening day would not fall on Easter. ...

Since opening day is always a Saturday, it never falls on Easter Sunday. ;-)

I haven't fished opening day in years.

While I realize the significance of Easter, they play football on Christmas Day and hoards of heathens go to the movies too.

Somehow I think it doesn't matter to most folks and if it does, the option to not partake is there.

If you're worried about fishing, then go fish today or this weekend.

Unless you're taking a kid fishing, there is no reason to chase the stock truck to strip in these wet rags. The fish are raised in poop and have never fought current beyond the concrete trough. I think I could wait a few days if Easter was off limits.
I have not participated in an opening day in years. I much prefer to wait a few days. This past year I have fished year round and don't see the need to deal with the opening day crowd. Trout drinking as it is called at camp is still a big deal and my dad and his buddies will be going. Because camp is 4.5-5 hour trip for me I save my time for a few weeks and head up for spring turkey. Sometimes they even stock during when I am up there. This year it wont be until much later in May. May have to make some road trips to places we usually wouldn't fish.

Opening day on Easter weekend wouldn't change my plans if I was going to camp.
More importantly, my birthday is also that wknd. So between Good Friday and a traditional celebratory vacation day, I've got a four day wknd. Booyah! Fingers crossed for grannoms...
tomitrout wrote:
More importantly, my birthday is also that wknd. So between Good Friday and a traditional celebratory vacation day, I've got a four day wknd. Booyah! Fingers crossed for grannoms...

Dang. Nice. When I was working in banking, I never had off on Good Friday. Now that I'm working in the church, I'm supposed to have off on Good Friday, but of course that's a very busy day for us so I end up "working" anyway! I would love a nice long 4 day weekend for fishin' Usually ends up happening in October, though.
Yeah, lucky in that regard. Easter wknd is the first holiday we get after the New Year, pretty long haul sometimes from the first of January...