Opening day =Easter weekend.



Well-known member
Jan 14, 2013
Westmoreland County
I know for a lot here the first day is a day to go see a movie, but I do go to camp that weekend as a tradition. I enjoy the weekend and could care less if I even fish I just like to watch the mess and shoot the breeze. I'm going to take my 10 year old out this year. I am not going to let Easter change my plans, just wondering if this is going to put a damper on anyone's weekend?
Purely anecdotal but the last time opening day was on Easter weekend, it seemed there were less people on the streams. I like the coincidence of opening day and Easter this year, because with my kids having off a couple days of school, that translates into more family time. My wife endorsed me taking off a week, since four of those days the family will be together (plus the state park cabin rate for a week was the same as five days of rental). So I will spend opening day fishing with my kids and maybe some nephews and then venture off the beaten path later in the week.
salmonoid wrote:
Purely anecdotal but the last time opening day was on Easter weekend, it seemed there were less people on the streams.
I was thinking that may be the case. I'm sure it will make Sunday way less populated.
As a Presbyterian, Easter Sunday is no different from the other 51 Sundays a year to me ;-) . So Easter will not put a damper on my plans, and those plans more than likely will not include fishing. Unless I can get out of the house in the late afternoon to a small wild stream or something. Ain't no way I'm rodeoing around w/ them opening weekend crowds!
salmonoid wrote:
Purely anecdotal but the last time opening day was on Easter weekend, it seemed there were less people on the streams.

I seem to vaguely recall noticing the same thing.

Anyway, OD being on Easter doesn't affect me this year.

It doesn't affect me. I go to camp as a tradition too and could care less about fishing that weekend. I'll just have to take it a little easy Saturday night. I made the midstake last time around when it was Easter weekend of not taking it easy (I was in my early 20's) and I ended up missing Easter dinner. My 92 year old Grandma will still bring that one up from time to time lol.
I fish on all holidays including Christmas and thanksgiving. Would be better if Easter was on a weekday to have extra day off for more time fishing ;-)
I will be out no matter what day it is. Should be very few people out on Easter morning so that will be fine with me.
Gives me an excuse to avoid my family now ;-)

In all seriousness, I hope it doesnt effect my plans. I like to camp that weekend if its warm enough. Saturday I usually fish somewhere stocked and keep 1 or 2 for dinner. Sunday is spent exploring for wild trout. Ill probably be doing it solo this year because I have a feeling my buddy wont skip Easter.
Seems fitting - Wasn't Jesus a fisherman of some sort ?
The_Sasquatch wrote:
As a Presbyterian...

Wait, I've heard this story somewhere before... :-D

As a proud member of the Damned Heathen Flyfishers, it won't affect me at all.
I am not Christian , so, Easter is just another day.
wgmiller wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
As a Presbyterian...

Wait, I've heard this story somewhere before... :-D

Hah! To be fair, I was one before that movie came out (fisherman and Presby!)

For the last 5 years or so, my dad and my "opening day" tradition has been to fish a small wild stream. I suspect we'll continue that this year!
The Fish and Boat Commission in their infinite wisdom, changed the way they determined opening day, sometime around 1990 so that opening day would not fall on Easter. I don't know who the genius was that changed that, but it needs to be fixed.It very recently fell on Palm Sunday.
Easter is the who reason for Christianity to exist, opening day ought not to fall on Easter.
The Jewish faith and atheists don't mind.

It doesn't bother me one bit. I go on a fishing trip out of PA every Easter and don't fish for stockies on opening weekend anyway. When I was younger I was always happy when it fell on Easter weekend because there were definitely less guys out.
Is it the regular opener or the early SE PA opener?
The general opening day is always the first Saturday after April 11. It has been this way for a long time. At least as far back as the 1980s.

And, I guess it's obvious, but the opening day is always a Saturday, so will never be on Easter Sunday. A person could fish the opener on Saturday, and go to church on Sunday.

But also, most flyfishers begin fishing well before "opening day", since so many streams are open for fishing long before then.

Father forgive me for these trout I am about to catch
I'm a heathen, but my family whom is local always gets together for Easter, and Opening Day, because my folks live on the water. So, I'm not sure if we'll combine the two for Saturday, or get together for both days.

As far as scheduling and Easter, who cares, it's a separate day. Your beliefs don't trump everyone else's weekend plans. Plus, Jesus was a fisherman. He probably wants you on the water, which is church for many of us.