One Word You Must Remember as to Not Ruin a Planned Afternoon of Fishing

I'm quite learry of putting all these chemicals in your clothing and on your skin. Is the picardin a natural repellant?

I see some flyers smoking cigars and would like to know does this keep the bugs away?
PPFlyer wrote:

I see some flyers smoking cigars and would like to know does this keep the bugs away?

Not the bugs I encountered that day ... they were super squitoes :lol:
I guess we have these nasty buggers too now.

Stagger lee - or they have been around enough smokers that they are addicted to the smells. Maybe them cigars help guide them in.

We all have a choice...we could fear for our lives and not go out fishing anymore, or take precautions to lesson our chances.
I spray my ball cap heavily with deep woods OFF and smoke cigars. Parodi's work well; they last a good while and don't break easily in your pack or vest. Good field cigar. I have read that female mosquitoes (the sex that feeds on blood) are especially attracted to dark colors. So avoid wearing t shirts in black, dark brown, blue, dark green, red. Light Khaki or olive drab are best.