One of Those Moments...

I'm heading to Pine Grove Furnace for Labor Day and the Mountain Creek gauge is showing a huge diurnal variation in flow rates from 1.1 cfs to 1.6cfs! Lowest I've ever seen the water while there was in the neighborhood of 4cfs, so I'm surprised to see that much water in streams that you fished; must be some regional variation, or there is a good spring source nearby.

Definitely some variation at different streams along the ridge. That being said, there were some good rains a couple weeks ago, and some last weekend as well. Checked out upper mountain (some spots above fuller) last week, and it was low, but still fishable water. Saw several nice brookies scoot. Best bet would probably be high gradient headwaters streams. Fish concentrated in deeper spots, plus the water is still plenty cold.
fwiw, some streams east of Shippensburg and on the north side of the ridge may not have trout up on the ridge, due to acid rain effects. I once tried hairy springs hollow, it had a white quartz streambed and a lethal level of dissolved aluminum at moderate flow (the acid and alum would increase in a flood or snowmelt). that local whitish quartz is very low buffering as noted in flyflicker's post 16. hairy springs hollow is on the nat repro list, maybe it was surveyed down at the bottom of the mountain...

but it's central/ southcentral PA and the acid rain effects are very local, some streams round there fish well as noted OP
My experience in Michaux largely mirrors the group’s thus far. Haven’t fished it in a couple of years, but for a while I was fishing it a few times a year while visiting my in-laws who lived in Hanover.

I never had a great day up there, but I don’t recall any total skunkings either. Most streams I tried had Brookies in them, and although I never seemed to have a banner numbers day, I caught a few very nice Brookies from Michaux streams. I know there’s a handful of Browns up there too in places, but I never caught a Brown in Michaux. I found a few dud streams like everyone’s mentioning too. On the southern end, Tumbling Run, trib to EB Antietam was one that stuck out in my mind…high gradient, full of plunge pools, but it had that white gravel stream bottom to it. After not turning up any fish in the first few really nice pools I came to I proceeded to just walk through the next couple and see if I spooked any…nothing. I didn’t know it at the time, but I wondered whether that striking white gravel stream bottom had something to do with it. There’s a good bit of rhodo up there, choking out the streams in some places, but not bad in others.
nice. fat fishy.
swatttie... tumbling run is in "Weverton and Loudoun" geology.

the same bedrock where the fishless/ white streambed/ hi aluminum branch of hairy springs run that I fished begins.

I don't see the article online, but someone at ****inson wrote a student paper about bedrock and trout in part of that area:

"Mountain Creek Watershed and the Effects of Underlying Bedrock on Buffering Capacity and Trout Populations"
Awesome fish and execution. Thanks for sharing!
Very nice fish Klingy! The way all that unfolded will surely stick in your memory for a while.
Gorgeous brookie and great story. This is exactly why I prefer fishing for brookies over any other fish.
swattie: linked article is far over my head technically, but it does report pH levels of 5.5 and 6.3 for 2 headwater streams in the weverton bedrock that underlies the michaux-area tumbling run (and the fishless trib I fished north of there)... so maybe that one local bedrock can lead streams with good pools and water temps to not have brookies...

I'd like info on the larger expanse of montalto bedrock in michaux, is it a bit higher buffering than the weverton?, but don't see much on it.
Bob – Good stuff. As far as I can recall, that’s the only stream with that type of stream bottom I’ve ever fished…not just in Michaux, but anywhere. I’ve fished other seemingly dead streams before, but none with that white gravel.