One Fly



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
Sitting around deep into the cabin fever season. Pink Floyd, The Wall, playing and now speculating about who his smarter...the angler or the trout.

Plenty of posts about about Top 10 or Top 5 Flies. Heck with that! What if you had one dry fly, what wold it be? Stay focused.

I'll give mine shortly. It's a toss between two for me.
Mine would be a size 16 coastal deer hair caddis (dyed dun), IF THE FLY IS LIMITED TO ONE SIZE. If not, I may think a bit and change flies.
Tan elk hair caddis
I've caught more trout on a yellow or orange size 14 stimulator than any other fly. Probably my number one.

if it would be a nymph, it would be a size 16 bead head PTN with rubber legs.

I have a buddy I fish with and sometimes when we hit these small NC and VA bluelines we make a bet; one fly for the whole stream... loser buys the beer.

It's a midge cluster. It's an ant. It's a dark fly. It's a light fly. It's breath mint ... um, got carried away.

It skitters well and fishes just as well wet.
Cut wing thorax Adams.
Parachute Letort Cricket
For the entire season, I would pick a #16 gray fluttering caddis

I was tempted to pick a #14 black crow beetle. But I usually don't start catching fish on it until may or june. And it would be my searching pattern all summer and fall
Goddard Caddis #16
Id have to pick between a Royal Wulff and an orange Stimulator and I think the Royal Wulff would win.

Dave, what about expanding the question 1 dry, 1 nymph/subsurface, and 1 streamer? Id love to hear others answers to those as well.
Royal Wulff. I do a lot of Brookie fishing.
Parachute adams. #14 and 16

I'm with Gencon. Parachute Adams.