Once PA Wilds, Now PA Wells

It's a GAS alright good one.
Faster they build the nuclear reactors in the wilds, faster it is abated. I have almost been killed twice now by water trucks.
BradFromPotter wrote:
BeastBrown wrote:
Faster they build the nuclear reactors in the wilds, faster it is abated. I have almost been killed twice now by water trucks.

Tell us what happen when you were almost killed 2 times?

Welp, pretty simple.. these water/flowback/fresh trucks travel at about 20 miles over the speed limit on winding mountain roads, and they take back roads to avoid angering richer areas with more direct, straighter routes.(out of sight, out of mind) I can hear the public relations people explaining the importance of this. They are rushing non-stop, furiously, you can feel the need for speed. They never go the speed limit. Usually they travel in a line of 3-4, right on each on others plates.

Cut to......going into the woods in the morning, on two separate mornings, on tight curves, and literally both times put me off the road on the edge of the blacktop,(that nice edge that builds up) tire over the side. Once almost clipped the back half of the car, would have put me in over a rail down a stream. 2nd time, almost direct head on. The road is so narrow and he was taking the turn super wide. Granted, this is at a time when most people are in bed, so they are probably way more mad max then during the day, but dead is dead. These things weigh so much I would be toast.
Hate to tell ya its only the beginning.One drove through a house up my way,they were on a road they should not have been one in the first place.The owner was in his basement and was hit by the door when the bumper came through.He was very luck but the house was a total loss. Keep your eyes open and good luck,Mel Wyoming county.
BeastBrown wrote:
BradFromPotter wrote:
BeastBrown wrote:
Faster they build the nuclear reactors in the wilds, faster it is abated. I have almost been killed twice now by water trucks.

Tell us what happen when you were almost killed 2 times?

Welp, pretty simple.. these water/flowback/fresh trucks travel at about 20 miles over the speed limit on winding mountain roads, and they take back roads to avoid angering richer areas with more direct, straighter routes.(out of sight, out of mind) I can hear the public relations people explaining the importance of this. They are rushing non-stop, furiously, you can feel the need for speed. They never go the speed limit. Usually they travel in a line of 3-4, right on each on others plates.

Cut to......going into the woods in the morning, on two separate mornings, on tight curves, and literally both times put me off the road on the edge of the blacktop,(that nice edge that builds up) tire over the side. Once almost clipped the back half of the car, would have put me in over a rail down a stream. 2nd time, almost direct head on. The road is so narrow and he was taking the turn super wide. Granted, this is at a time when most people are in bed, so they are probably way more mad max then during the day, but dead is dead. These things weigh so much I would be toast.

I just had the same thing happen to me this past weekend. There were a line of about twenty trucks following me up a dirt road off of 414 in Tioga County. They were riding my *** until I pulled over and let them go. I then decided to turn around and another group of trucks were coming up the mountain as I was driving down. The road was very narrow and they almost ran me off the road. I love that area, but it sure has changed for the worse. These companies have no respect for anything except the evil dollar.
That last sentence sums it up