Older newbie



Jan 9, 2024
Hello! Fished years ago with rod and reel, but not for about 20 yrs. Recently retired after 36 years in military and looking forward to learning to fly fish. Currently taking a beginner fly tying class and will be looking to outfit with the essentials soon. Looking forward to learning from you all!
Welcome. This is a great place to learn. Folks are pretty good about answering honest questions too.
welcome and thank you for your service. have fun in the fly tying class. ask questions.
Welcome to PAFF. Thank you for serving our country. I hope you enjoy your new hobby. This is a great place to hang out to learn about flyfishing and flytying.
You have great waters near you! Get out…have fun…ask questions of the forum.
Welcome Rich. I live just north of you. If you need help with knots, reading water or casting, always willing to help. I learned through the kindness of others and try to pass it on.
Welcome aboard. You will never have a more enjoyable time of sheer frustration than fly fishing. Wealth of knowledge on these pages.
Hello! Fished years ago with rod and reel, but not for about 20 yrs. Recently retired after 36 years in military and looking forward to learning to fly fish. Currently taking a beginner fly tying class and will be looking to outfit with the essentials soon. Looking forward to learning from you all!
Thanks all. Been enjoying reading thru all the forums. I got a lot to learn.

Krayfish - I notice you are from Dauphin. I’m in Fishing Creek Valley so we are close. Once I get all outfitted I may take you up in the offer!
Welcome to the site from a born and bred central NYer. I've been tying flies for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 14 years. Check out one of my swaps on this site if you'd like - we are always happy to see a new face!

I look forward to seeing your posts and follow your development as a tyer.

Welcome! I am even closer to you than krayfish2 since I also live in Fishing Creek Valley! Happy to help you in any way that I can.