Old guy new computer



New member
Sep 25, 2022
near water
Hello to all of you, I'm old,been around this rock a few times,fished many places,caught a lot of fish,lost more than i caught. I've learned over the years that new doesn't mean better,light is good to a point,heavy has its rewards and shiny things catch fisherman. A kid with a cane pole and a bobber can be stiff competition when you're trying to catch lunch on a small pond. Water proof is a word used in marketing of shiny things that catch fisherman, nothing is water proof. Two of everything is good but three is always better. Jerked beef is a main stay south of no man land because it doesn't have parasites in it. "You can drink the water here "really means take enough bottled water along with twice as much jerky you think you need. Fishing in the Pa. wilderness is a God send, thank you God. Pick litter up as you go, it's your woods and water. I hope to have fun here, let's see what happens.
Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the site. I'm a born and bred central NYer. I've been fly tying for over fifty years and hosting fly swaps for the past 11+ years. I hope that we cross paths here - maybe in one of my swaps? ;)


BTW, there is just a couple more days left to register for my latest swap offering - The Post Pattern Swap!