OFF TOPIC- Steelers-Browns



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007

The Steelers came away with a victory yesterday barely.

My hat is off to the Browns. The are not the same team as they were when they started the season.

Steelers kick coverage is terrible and if the Steelers lost that would have been the difference.

I'm a Steeler fan, and only watched the second half, but i have to admit that one was a gift. The Browns coaching blew it down the stretch. We'll take it and thank you very much.

Why would anyone call time out after a touchdown to debate whether to challenge the play. "I know, lets call time out so we can debate on whether or not to risk a time out." Brilliant!

To be honest, I missed the play, and walked back in while the play was in review. But that is apparently what happened.
I don't remember them calling time out to decide on reviewing the play or not. I thought I was watching the game, but maybe not as attentively as I should have. Anyway, the Steelers were off in the first half and really gave the Brownies one helluva spot in the contest. If the Steelers had been clicking like the week before, the game would not have been close I'm sorry to say.
I agree- except the "gift" part.

The Browns put themseleves in a great situation with a 12 point lead in the second half but their offense could not get critical first downs to keep the Steeler offense off the field.

I think the Browns got 2 first downs? in the second half.

I do agree coaching was a factor with the timeout debacle and I felt the Browns were playing not to lose in the second half.

Penalty on the punt was huge as Cleveland missed a 52 yard FG in the waning moments. This could have been mitagated if they had another time out to run another play to get a few more yards for the kick.


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Jack, the way the announcers put it, the Browns called a time out, then challenged the play. They lost the challenge and were assessed another time out.
Wow! The Browns look like a different team. They're good.
But they should have put the Steeelers away in the second half.
Good, but not yet good enough.

Anybody else concerned about the Steeler's O line? Seems to me if it wasn't for Ben's scrambling ability, the Steelers would have a much worse record. Him running around like that is opening a door to injury that has to keep coaches up at night.

rising fish always
Throw in a king and a coho and you've got the grand slam!

da dun chhhh

Sorry. I'm hopped up on cough syrup.
schrec wrote:
Wow! The Browns look like a different team. They're good.

They are the same team as week one with one big difference. A quarterback. Its amazing what you can accomplish when yo have one. And he's gonna be a good one.

Anybody else concerned about the Steeler's O line? Seems to me if it wasn't for Ben's scrambling ability, the Steelers would have a much worse record. Him running around like that is opening a door to injury that has to keep coaches up at night.

Actually, while they could have been better they weren't as bad as you say. Romeo had a good plan...the week before Ben made big plays by getting outside and finding open receivers while scrambling, he's as good at that as anyone...Romeo had his defense rush upfield from the outside, in. That kept Ben withing the pocket...which would eventually collapse as it always will, eventually. Trouble was, when the middle opened up it was way open and Ben was able to run, which he also does pretty well. What I was impressed with was the Browns O-line. We had zero sacks. As far as Ben getting injured, he's no more prone out there in the open as he is in the pocket having some D-lineman or ever his own O-lineman roll up on his knees. At least out there he doesn't get blind sided and can run away from pressure.