Off Topic - My recovery


I'm delighted about your success!

The video reminds me of the old Christmas special where they sing the song "Just put one foot in front of the other, and soon you'll be walkin out the door!".

Keep up the hard work and I'm sure you'll be rewarded.

Far out Pad.

That's awesome!

Pad, your a beast... Your determination motivates me...Rember PAIN IS TEMPORARY AND PRIDE IS FOREVER !!!! :hammer:
Did you miss me??? :-D

I'm gone for a year or so and come back to find you are learning to walk again?!? Not good! I don't know what happened, but wish you the best.

(the artist formerly known as BigD, LD, ... and a few others)
I missed you Dave. Not everyday, of course, but now and then.
He walked 180 ft. yesterday :-D
Wow - 180', that's incredible. Way to go Pad!!!!

This is the first chance I've had to check in on the board in a while, so it's great to see so many of your friends rallying around your efforts and progress.

In addition to all the comments of support here on the board, I've heard the following comments from two of Pad's doctors after viewing the video clip. I'm paraphrasing since I don't have their emails handy, but this is pretty close to exact quotes:

"I would stand on my head to watch this video or any other of Pad walking!"

"Reminds me of why I chose a career in medicine!"

Pad, your efforts are an inspiration to many of us. I hope that our comments of support return that inspiration. If all the positive energy from the board helps you take just one step, that will be one step closer to recovery.

Hang in there my friend,

Tim B.

Have a Merry Christmas! Hope to fish with you on Penns Creek in the very near future.


Miro Slovnik