OFF TOPIC- Investments

Ohhhhhh, ahhhhhh, Padraic!! I never would have guessed this about you! Such "feeling", such "tenderness"...........I wish to go forth, perhaps anon and pluck the delicate, soft, still virgin petals from the heart of a rose and pass them through eternity's eye until such time my inner being is restored to its former grace and all shame from my soul has been erased...............
Also, you forgot to add walnuts, halved not crushed, to your brownie additions!
Walnuts? Bleh!
I never pictured this as a fly club meeting. I always pictured it as more of a virtual bar. It only looks like we are obsesed with flyfishing because the Mods delete all posts pertaining to politics and pretty womens :lol:

I am not picking on you but the off topic ramblings get exponentally worse as the weather wans. It hits an all time hysteria about Feb. At that time we are focusing on the probability of a self sustaining Cougar population in Pennsylvania.

Until you have a wife and kid please excuse your self from speaking about the ease of saving money :lol: You will get hit with things that you didn't even know existed. If I wrote a book on the subject it would be entitled "Planning for child care expenses, or why I drive a 93 Cherokee"
Ryanh........ I, in no way, took it as "you picking on me", because that's one thing I really enjoy about this whole site.................. every one gets to put in their two cents worth, whether it's good, bad, or indifferent!! So, please..... no sweat, I don't feel picked on at all! That's also, why, in my first post on this topic, I mentioned "I wasn't picking on any, one, poster but rather, the entire idea of "off topic" posts"!
I can only imagine, now that I've seen a taste of it and it's only September.....what Jan. through March posts must be like!!?!
I know, all too well, what you folks must go through during the depth of winter, after surviving 16 winters, myself, in the North Idaho Panhandle.
"Cabin Fever" isn't even CLOSE to what we'd suffer from, between Nov.and the following Mar./Apr.!
Sure, we did a lot of "Ice Fly Fishing", but at times.......... for days on end, we'd be kept off the water by severe cold and windy weather.
Lastly, thank you for saying what I was all set to post, myself on this "saving money" thing........................ It's usually the ones that don't have a girlfriend, that always can give you "GREAT" relationship advice and those, only supporting THEMSELVES, that are "Saving lots of money, because it's SO EASY to do!
Just never been that obsessed with money I guess. One of life's greatest truths, is "Money Can't Buy Happiness". Sure, it DOES "make poverty more tolerable", but I still don't obsess over it!
It's claimed that 85% of all American marriages, "break up due to financial/money matters". During most divorces, "money and gotta haves" are usually worked out and divided before the children are even considered.
You're so right....... when you mentioned........... "Wait, until you have children, THEN see all the places your money disappears to, that you didn't even know existed!"
Oh, how true.......... HOW TRUE!