OFF TOPIC- Investments



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Okay- thought I would throw this one out there. My advice if you are young is to start saving right away. I started saving in my 401K plan as soon as I was eligible. The money is tax deferred and comes right out of your check and you never miss it. I dont care if it is $10 a month it gets you in the habit of saving.

(dont tell me you can not afford $10 a month, you better shut you computer down and go get a part-time job if that is the case)
Second is to take advantage of supplimental savings plan or employee stock purchase plans if you can afford it. If the second options are not available try an IRA. You can put up to $3000 or so into that. (tax deferred)

Anyway, I could go on for hours on this subject which is my second favorite behind flyfishing. Almost nothing gets me more upset than people who do not save money. I mean like they have no money when they are in there 50's. (sorry retirement your gonna have) I used underwrite mortgages a while back and I was astonished how many people have like no money saved. Now there are exceptions- sickness,disabilites,family crisis. Be disiplined and start saving.

The point of my post is to solict investment ideas as we are apporoaching the best time of year to purchase investments.

I recommend these stocks.

COP- conocophillips i say it goes to $100
CNX-consol Say it goes to $58 in 2008
MO-ALTRIA tremendous today or 6 months from now

I appreciate your comments and investment ideas and thanks in advance. Paul
Im sitting here trying to figure out what the hell this has to do with Flyfishing!
Nothing. Fishing is a little slow withe the lack of rain and the 80 degree temperatures are not helping.
Fishing "may be slow", in your neck of the woods, but posting about "saving money?? Of course, I've also seen other "off topic" posts in here, so no........... I'm NOT picking on any one member!
It's just I'd THOUGHT this was a fly fishing ONLY web site and discussion forum? It's why I like it and why I signed up!
If we get going too much on these "off topic" posts, this is going to become just another "Internet chat room"!
When fishing's really slow for me, (besides going, anyway), I can always turn to questions on gear, fly tying, literature and all the other, varied topics, this great group has listed!?!
If I wanted to discuss my personal investments, I'd go to an Investment forum web site. Same, as if, I wanted to buy a car, rent a condo, or visit Europe, etc. The, LAST palace I'd ever look, would be a fly fishing web site!?!
Just my, thoughts, anyway.
I understand the relationship. After every market drop it takes four weeks of flyfishing in solitude to restore my nerves.
Chill out dude. The standard proticals were followed. In his subject line he stated that it was an off topic post. Which lets you know that it may be something that you may not be interested in reading. I for one enjoy the off topic posts.

"Im sitting here trying to figure out what the hell this has to do with Flyfishing!"

The more money I save now the more time I will be able to fly fish when I am your age. Us young'ens got a tough row to hoe ahead of us. There are no more pensions. The days of job security are long gone. And I don't think that any of us really think that Social Security will be there in a substantial way 5 decades from now. We got to look out for our selves.

It would be cool, for fun purposes, to put a fund together that deals with outdoor recreation. I have heard of sin funds that would be made up of RJ Renolds and Harrahs ect.

I agree with most of what you said. However, I think people use this site to escape the real world. Are sports topics or dog fence topics off base? Sure. I'm just thinking of the planner or broker that reads this site. You just pulled him back to reality.

If people were posting questions about Project Management or IT data conversions i'd be pulled back to the real world.

You are correct start investing young. It has started to pay off for me. I am always shocked to find my peers just getting into investing. It does not take much. I'm running your picks past the wife, she is a Financial Planner.
I haven't invested much yet, so I can't say too much about it. About the "off topic" issue, though...

I have no problem reading off topic posts. I agree with Ryan that if you don't wanna read them, then just don't. I think the "OT" posts are usually put here because people feel that they are in like-minded company. Honestly, I take the opinion of a fellow fly fisherman in higher regard than most others. I have some fishing friends, and we talk about all kinds of stuff on a trip, so why not here? Many people see some of the other members of this board as friends, and value their opinions accordingly.
I have no problem with non FF posts, as long as they are marked "off-topic."
I think what we're seeing is the tension between two features of the site. Yeah, you can post (nearly) anything you want if you mark it off topic.

Off Topic - Dear Diary
Off Topic - Brownie Recipes
Off Topic - Poetry

However, everything you post is subject to the "feedback" of all the other users of the site. If the off topic is of interest to most of us, no problem. If it isn't, you can expect to hear about it.

I'm a little surprised to see the Off Topics going so far afield already this year. Usually, we don't start scrambling for topics like this until the creeks are frozen.
Sorry if I got us off task. I just feel very strongly about this topic and I felt most people would too. Not sure besides your health what could be more important. Just think it behooves a person not to be ignorant about something as important as your retirement. I am not a rich or weathly person but really like to be comfortable now as well as 25 years from now. (that way I can flyfish as often as possible and not have too worry) The thing that is disappointing is no one has an investment tip? I stand behind my investment advice though. Now I'll go post some flyfishing stuff.

ps. I am currently laid off and am loving it because I have invested wisely.
I was going to ask if it was a slow day at the office, Paul, but you cleared that up. I have nothing to share other than if you aren't married and/or don't have kids, save as much as possible now, because once you are married and/or have kids, it will only sound like a great idea.
I will state that I am single and have no heirs. Not that I beleive being single vs. married with a family has any bearing on if one should save or not. I refute all arguments on that front.

No question the decision to have a family is a very big responsibility and should be taken seriously. The family will require more economic resources so many there just is not as many zeros in the bank account. No excuses be disciplined and save~ even if it is just $10!

Got to admit-retiring at 58 was nice.
However if you are under fifty you will need a couple million-take more than ten dollars a month,I suspect.
There is only one bad thing about retirement.
Being old enough to be.
Some of the old time Wall Street guys said that when the taxi drivers started talking about their stocks, then it was time to sell.

Maybe when the talk on flyfishing websites turns from beadhead pheasant tails to stock picking, it means the same thing.
Thanks, Dad. Let me know how you feel about it when you get there, 'kay?
My siblings and I took all my Dad's money! I spent his money on beer. We are happy as hell as a family because we have each other and my Dad has Fly Fishing, my brother has hunting and I have Miller Lites. What more could you ask for?
So! Padraic!
Are you saying, then pray tell, that you HAVE a decent brownie recipe? I'm having trouble with my old standby one and while reading poetry this morning, my first batch burnt, dag-nab-it!Perhaps..keeping my recipes in my diary wasn't such a good idea, after all? Are you greasing the pan, before putting in the batter, or using one of the aerosol non-stickables?
Also, to everyone, else....... AS I WROTE, in my first post I wasn't picking on any one, poster. I also, enjoy the Off Topic posts, occasionally, but as Padraic also stated, "They seem to be growing in number and earlier than normal!?
They also seem to be spreading out, being found under many of the other "topic titles", not kept under the "general topics" heading. THAT, was my only question, really, as to "why" for a purposed FF only site, they were becoming more frequent and spread out throughout the threads!?
Someone stated too, how they feel about the "brotherhood", of this site and other fly fishers and how, thusly, they value their opinions on many different subjects. On this point, I couldn't agree more!!
One nice thing, ABOUT this site, is that it can be like "a fly club meeting, held on an country wide level". That's a nice feeling.
Sorry to "stir the beans, before the Tabasco went in"!!
Not sure about the brownie recipe thing, but take whatever recipe you have and add lots of chocolate chips; top it with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce. That should do well for just about any brownie recipe. Serve with a good strong coffee.

As for the poetry:
Can't always be a lovefest thats half the fun. I was always in the principal's office.