Off Topic Barry Bonds

Roberto Clemente was my favorite.
There really was something special about him that even a casual fan could sense.
Willie Mays was doing the basket catch before Clemente. Willie Mays is third all time in homers. Every time someone approaches a record, they always seem to have to pass Mays right before the record holder.

I also challenge Farmer Dave's claim that Ruth was ever a part time player, pitcher or not.
I have mixed feelings about Barry. Sure, I can and have hated him for many years. (His soundbites on TV did not portray him as a nice fellow- all I really know of him). I can say he is not a wife beater,gambler, he is a father and husband. It is easy to bash someone you don't know really and fails to reach /or have success in the playoffs. The loss to Atlanta back in 1992 I beleive was sorta the mark of the Pirates painful march downward that is very real today. Well- we around here might think differently about Barry if he had been as productive for the Pirates for the last 15 years.

My thought on the performance enhancers. I think Barry was taking HGH the growth hormone. His shoe size and head growning 3 sizes after he was the age of 25 does not happen naturally. So, if Barry was taking the HGH it was not a banned substance at the time he appeared to be taking it. Maybe not sporting but not against the rules.

Still don't like Bonds but here are some comparisons:

I can't say Hines Ward has children in wedlock. Also, Ben Roethlisberger is a punk. He has be banned from several bars including Smokin Joes and Nakama(southside Pgh). He has walked out on several $300 tabs at the Nakama. I know this information first hand.

People who look to athletes or celebrities to be roll models obviously lack good parenting.
tomgamber wrote:
Willie Mays was doing the basket catch before Clemente. Willie Mays is third all time in homers. Every time someone approaches a record, they always seem to have to pass Mays right before the record holder.

I also challenge Farmer Dave's claim that Ruth was ever a part time player, pitcher or not.

Tom, you need to pick your "challenges" more carefully. :-D Do you really think I would post something like that if i couldn't back it up. And oh, by the way. Maybe you should challenge your own info. Willy Mays is actually 4th all time in HRs (not 3rd), but who's counting. Bonds, Aaron, Ruth, Mays.

But since you asked, what exactly are you challenging? Did you think I made those numbers up, or do think pitchers played every game back then? I wasn't questioning whether or not he was a full time pitcher (he was). But full time pitchers only played a fraction of the games played even back then. Therefore a fraction of the at bats of a position player. Ruth absolutely was a damn good pitcher, and was moved to fielding positions so he could play more, because of his hitting. Not just in the movies, either.

just a few more Ruth Stats.

We won't count his first year where he was listed as batting in 5 games and pitched in 4. I'm guessing he pinch hit once. total of 10 at bats.

Second year. Played in 42 games, pitched in 32. 103 plate appearances. He is not listed as playing any other positions in With that info, and the low at bat numbers compared to games played, it is probably safe to assume he pinch hit the other 10 games. 18-8 with 16 complete games. So, he "appeared" in 42 games while the team had a record of 101-50? In other words, he played in less than 28 percent of the games the team played in, because he was a pitcher. They won the world series that year. another interesting fact. 4 home runs as a pitcher was only 3 less than the league leaders in home runs that year, and he did it in 109 games. ruth led the team in wild pitches that year. :-D

Third year. Pitched 44 games 23-12, and played in 67. However, there are no fielding stats listed for that year either. Pinch hit in 27 games? 150 plate appearances. team played 154 games. Team went 91-63 with a world series. So, he played in 43.5 percent of the games. that's a lot for a pitcher, but 23 game appearances were not as a pitcher (I'm guessing pinch hitter because no fielding stats, and low batting totals for that many games). Led league in ERA and shutouts, and third in wins (trailed buy only 2).

Fourth year. Pitched in 41 games, played in 52 of 152 games (34%). No fielding stats listed. 141 plate appearances. his 24 wins was second in the league, and his 35 complete games was most in the league by 5.

Only 9 home runs those 3 years, but his batting average was outstanding. but you have to consider the era. Back then, 10 in a season was a lot.

It wasn't until his 5th year with Boston moved him to fielding positions for his bat, and he was in line for another 20 game season. Even that year, he only played 95 games. However, for some reason, Boston is shown as only playing 126 games with a WS. that's 75 percent of the games. Some might argue that this is full time, but i wouldn't. 11 home runs that year, which was a lot in that era. in fact, it tied him for the most in the majors that year. Next highest was 6?, this was as a part time fielder, part time pitcher. Moving him in the field started to pay off.

So, that is 3 or 4 years in his prime that he played only part time (depending on ones definition of full or part time), and he actually led in homerun production!

His sixth year, he played in 130 games, but the team only played 136 games (probably because of the war). That was his first full time season IMO. That year he pitched in 17 with 9 wins. Still on pace for yet another 20 wins if he was a full time pitcher. 29 home runs. That was 19 more than anyone else in the league!!! I believe it shattered the single season record at the time. Sold to the yankees the following season.

I stand by what i said. Has there ever been any other pitcher in history that had back to back 20 game winning seasons that was moved to the field for their hitting? Babe Ruth saved baseball (after the black sox scandal. NOBODY ever had as big of an impact on the game. at least not as big of a positive impact. You can't compare Bonds to Ruth simply because it is a totally different game today. You just can't compare an era where it takes at least 50 home runs to lead the league to an era where 10 or 11 would do it before the Babe came along.

P.S. I double checked these stats against Baseball almanac and ESPN.

A Clemente stat that Mays can't touch. Clemente was the first Hispanic in the majors. Saw that on the history channel awhile back.
FarmerDave wrote:

Tom, you need to pick your "challenges" more carefully. :-D Do you really think I would post something like that if i couldn't back it up. And oh, by the way. Maybe you should challenge your own info. Willy Mays is actually 4th all time in HRs (not 3rd), but who's counting. Bonds, Aaron, Ruth, Mays.

Holy Crap! I forgot the Babe!!! Does this mean its my turn to jump the fence and get the ball from the mean guys yard?

I stand by what i said. Has there ever been any other pitcher in history that had back to back 20 game winning seasons that was moved to the field for their hitting? Babe Ruth saved baseball (after the black sox scandal. NOBODY ever had as big of an impact on the game. at least not as big of a positive impact. You can't compare Bonds to Ruth simply because it is a totally different game today. You just can't compare an era where it takes at least 50 home runs to lead the league to an era where 10 or 11 would do it before the Babe came along.

You know your baseball I won't argue you that. Now, re-read that last quoted paragraph and think about how Babe would be treated under today's microscope with his drinking and smoking and womanizing. He'd have even beat out Brittany...Of course times are different and so is the game. Ruth never have to deal with the color factor either. He was a big, fat, drunk goomba in a city full of big, fat, drunk goombas. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't for the whole forced upon role model thing, I wish there were more interesting characters in the game today.

A Clemente stat that Mays can't touch. Clemente was the first Hispanic in the majors. Saw that on the history channel awhile back.

False...Esteban Bellán, 1871, Troy Haymakers. was the first Hispanic Major League Basebal player...only about 80 years off though. Roberto was, however, the first Hall of Fame inductee and the first Hispanic player to serve on the Players Association Board and to reach 3,000 hits.

Now of course I didn't know that until I looked it up. I was never big on sports stats...Took too much time from actually playing them.
I stand corrected on the Clemente thing (although i didn't check). It's what I heard on the history channel. Maybe they said the first Hispanic in modern era baseball. I found it odd and hard to believe as well.

You know your baseball I won't argue you that. Now, re-read that last quoted paragraph and think about how Babe would be treated under today's microscope with his drinking and smoking and womanizing. He'd have even beat out Brittany...Of course times are different and so is the game. Ruth never have to deal with the color factor either. He was a big, fat, drunk goomba in a city full of big, fat, drunk goombas. Don't get me wrong, if it wasn't for the whole forced upon role model thing, I wish there were more interesting characters in the game today.

Actually, I don’t think he ever got caught exposing himself. And if he did, would anyone admit they saw it? :oops:

I’d like to point something out to you. I wasn’t one of the guys who dumped on Barry, so why the attitude towards me. I said I don’t like him, but I also said he is arguably one of the best modern era players. The guy is a true athlete. I actually supported the guy in this thread. You questioned what I said about Ruth, and all I did was answer it. I did not speak negatively about Mays. Now you are attacking Ruth's appearance and personal life. That doesn't change his numbers.

I’d find it very hard to put together a top 10 list of best all time baseball players, but I’m pretty sure that Bonds, Mays and Ruth would be on it despite Ruth’s belly. He was still great and would have been even better without it.

It’s true that Mays had to deal with the color factor and I believe it affected his stats. Who knows how high his numbers would be without it. the same can be said about Aaron, but not so much about Bonds.

I'm not into the stats either. They’re just easy to look up. My knowledge of baseball is because I played it a lot (just like you).

what do you think about Jim Thorp. Not the town, the athlete. :-D

P.S. I think Rose should be in the HoF.
Its not 'tude dude...I just get into the debate sometimes just like you. As far as the HOF. The commish had a hard on for him and took it out on Rose big time.

I think Thorpe was the original "slash". Way ahead of Bo Jackson, Deion Sanders, John Elway and others who thought they could play more than one sport. The fact that he went to the "Indian" school in Carlisle (where my grand mother grew up and is also native American) is why I am a little biased on this one, though. I think he was ripped off having his medals stripped, but I guess rules are rules. Although it was pretty nit pickey. As I said I have a bias toward this one.

I don't think I'm attacking Ruth's life as much as I'm stating it. It is what it is. I'm merely pointing out what he might have been like had he had our current paparazzi situation. Could have been fun...I think he might have kicked the crap out of a few of those guys.
I couldn't have said it better about Thorpe, and it appears that we agree about Mays ( I figured i should add that) and even Rose. However, after Rose's suspension from baseball, he has done plenty to hurt his chances of being reinstated. He is one pompous arse.

Some will point out that Rose was a dirty player, but so was Ty Cobb, and numerous others in the HOF.

As far as Ruth goes, we will have to agree to disagree. He was no saint, but compared to some of the athletes in professional sports since him, he wasn't all that bad either. Anyone remember the Pirates scandal with the white powder? Rumor has it Willy Stargell and Dave Parker were caught snorting the foul lines. You have several people in professional sports in recent years who have been arrested for anything from drugs to assault to spousal abuse, to even murder related charges. Some have had numerous drug charges and still played. Then we have a guy like Koby Bryant who is voted as some kind of youth role model the same year he is being charged with rape? Found not guilty of a crime, but he wasn’t a saint in all that. What about Michael Jordan and his extracurricular activities from womanizing to gambling. He is still considered a saint. How about Magic Johnson. Sheesh! The Sultan of Swat is looking better all the time. And lets not forget Wilt Chamberlain. Over 10000 women? Can you say OJ? OK, baseball. Well, Jordan did try baseball, but we won’t count that. Darryl Strawberry? How many chances did he get? Jose Conseco? I don’t know how anyone could think Ruth was a bad guy compared to modern professional athletes. There are even doping scandals every year in bicycling. For Pete sake, we even had a figure skater who had a rival beaten with a baseball bat. What’s next. Competitive eater slipping some X-lax in their rivals pie?

Ruth paid for his mistakes. The guy obviously knew the game, yet he couldn’t get a coaching job? It’s mostly because of his antics nobody took him serious outside of being a great hitter. But he did change the game. That cannot be said about Bonds or Mays. They were the best at what they did, but they haven’t had near the impact on the game that Ruth did.

One more thing. In my list of top 10 players all time (if i had one), I would probably put Mays ahead of Ruth and Aaron, and certainly Bonds. Mays was amazing in a time when it was extremely tough for a black baseball player.
The vote is final

I think it is payback for all the years he has been a jerk .
I guess if you are into vandalizing historical items thats ok...

To be fair lets attach apiece of something that represents the record holder in all the HOF displays. How about a motel key and a racing form next to Jordans jersey. How about a condom next to Magic Johnson's display oe Wilt Chamberlains 100 pt game ball. Lets put the bloody gloves in the NFL HOF next to OJ's jersey...or a gun next to Darryl Strawberry's display.

Its just stupid to deface something that you are going to display as a historical artifact. If you deface the ball you might as well throw it worthless. I have an even better about we PROVE he did anything wrong before we call his record invalid. If he ever gets convicted of all the things its suggested he did, I'll be the first in line to get some "I told you so"s.
I voted for the brand. This is a major piece of baseball history we're talking about. That asterisk will represent this entire steroid era. I don't see it as a defamation of bonds, but more a commentary on the current state of things. I think that it will be an interesting story for future generations.
I really don't care that they brand it, but I do believe it should be in the HoF. It is just a ball, an artifact to look at. Sure, I'd loe to have it, but only so I could sell it to some idiot for over 700K.

Think back to the guy who first hit 61 in a season (Roger Marris). That record had an asterix on it for about 4 decades didn't it? Who put it there. It wasn't put there by some disgruntled fan.