O.T.Saddle up,guys



Active member
Jul 2, 2007
Head for Southwest Montana.Going to be a good one this year.Low water all summer and my old town of Bozeman had its first hard frost last nite.Rule of thumb is two hard frosts and the algi that gives the rivers that greenish,dense look dies off.Thats also the signal for the spawning browns to start their move.
Some years it wouldn't happen until early October,than it would be cold fishing.
Since they still had closed seasons when I fly-fished Pa.[60s] I never had a chance to experience that magic time.I do remember ice in the guides on a June morning at Slate run.That was actually a thrill to a Delaware kid.
Seriously if anyone is tempted to give Montana a try this really should be a great year.Indian Summer usually lasts until end of October.
Streamers,Nymphs and tricos should all work great.The low water means you should be able to wade even the Yellowstone and work feeding stations that usually you can't reach.Since floaters tend to work the shoreline they don't get hit much in the middle lies.