O.T.Cell phones on trout streets

Pete; I have one of the new type phones that has an off button. I did hear a rumor that if you put the phone down your wader leg, turn on the vibrator, it attracts fish!
>>Saw one today-a kid[under 50] riding one of those scooters which are getting a rebirth talking on the phone at forty miles an hour.There ought to be a law if there isn't .lol>>

Maybe there should be a law and maybe there should not. It's a tough call for me when I look at it from a Darwinian/Natural Selection standpoint...:)
Oh, and to JoeE's story.

I'm work part time as a software developer, and plan to go full time when I graduate in June. Everyone there has a blackberry. Please, oh please wish me luck in my fight against getting one of those damn things. I absolutely refuse. I'm normally a laid back guy, but I damn near punched a ~20 year old guy who was using his blackberry on the boardwalk once. There's a time and a place for everything!
I carry mine everywhere I go. As stated before, it is my clock. Furthermore, I manage a restaurant, so if someone isn't going to be at work that day I can usually remedy the situation right then and there with a few phone calls. I'd rather be bothered for 5 minutes than spend hours calling irrate customers because things went south, or having my boss ride my *** for a few weeks because of "that wednesday night 2 weeks ago". Also, my wife likes to call on my day off to say hi, and I've noticed over the years that for some crazy reason I always either start getting strikes or see a really large fish whenever she calls. It's amazing. One day I had fished the Wiconisco from sunup 'til 11 AM without a fish. Wifey calls and Bam! Land a nice 'bow. Next cast another. At on point she said "Should I let you go since you are catching fish?" I said Hell no! You're good luck. I just stood there talking to her while left-handed roll casting(which I never would have learned otherwise), then putting the phone in my vest pocket to land them. On the other hand, there are only a few streams where I get reception, so it's not like I'm yacking away all day long while fishing, but she and I work opposite shifts and only have 3 or 4 days a week to do anything, so any time I can talk to her is a plus. I have officially dunked my phone 4 times. I just pull out the battery, switch the SIM back to my main phone(I carry a "fish phone") Let it dry for a few days and it is fine. One thing I have learned is that if you pull out your battery there is a little white sticker in there. Once you dunk it it turns red. The phone companies use it to void warranties, in case anybody is ever thinking of trying to pull one over on them.


Here is how to get out of the crack berry. Break it and Break it again. I kept breaking mine. The third time our communications guy said no more crackberry for you!!!!!!!
My wife (Amy) can’t stand it. The last problem occurred on vacation when I was emailing work riding the bumper cars with my little girl (Chloe) driving. My 18 month old (Logan) emailed my Directorate head with a bunch of numbers and letters. He’s a good guy (his father is a fly fisherman). I hate to say this I’m a 2 phone guy (Blackberry and Nextel). I normal have my Nextel forwarded to the Blackberry and keep the Nextel in the truck just incase I need to group talk or 2-way. I’ve been through 5 Nextel’s and 4 Blackberry’s in the last few years.
I never carry a phone or a watch with me. Nothing I hate more than a timed fish. If I know I have a certain amount of time I just take a good guess. 90 % of the time I am within a 1/2 of my guess. I did carry my cell phone once when I had to carry the work phone for my boss. I was on the Breeches with my wife just before dark. Just caught 2 fish in the same hole when I got the call. Of course I spent 10 minutes walking around trying to get signal as I watch my wife hook 3 trout on three casts. Worst part of all it was an emergency call and I needed to leave the stream immediately. NEVER AGAIN!!
I tend to lose track of time when I fish so I have to have my wife call me to remind me to come home if I have a schedule to keep. The important question is, have you ever caught a trout while talking on the phone? Chalk me up for three. Seems I just can't stop fishing.

I forgot to leave mine in the car a couple of times. scared the **** out of me when it rang!

I know they are handy, but who needs another controling device in their lives, actually aren't they an invasion of privacy??
You could put it that way, littlej... But I like to think of it as a device that *I* use to control MY life. Not the other way around. It sucks being busy, but some of us have to give a little to get a little. If I actually get something taken care of on my way to, from, or very rarely at, the stream... well then, that just gives me an excuse to fish a little more I'd think.