
tomgamber wrote:
Ok, I see now. Its still a turd.

Call it what you want the JayL version of WW catches fishes! Even if you use Fox Squirrel to tie it!
i cant believe no one mentioned the squirrel nymph. ima big fan of it. but it cant beat a BHGR hares ear. as for my third choice of nymph hmmm.... if you count the green wenie a nymph then that would be it prolly.
Fox squirrel is part of the recipe. Hares ear hareline + a pinch of fox squirrel guard hairs, to be exact.

The collared WW, though, is proprietary. :-D
small prince, walt's worm, and BHPT variation

4th BHHE for what it is worth.
Ok, I Googled an image and it looks a little better than I remember. Like a peeking caddis without the peeking part or a scud with no shell back...maybe a hare's ear that needs Jenny Craig.
Speaking of fishing with turds, I use to fish for catfish in college with goose poo. It was free and abundant and the catfish loved it. I'm a little more refined now but I'd use a WW even if it looks like a turd if it's going to catch a fish.