Nymph Fishing



Apr 14, 2007
Hello all.i been doing alot of nymphing all year well pretty much thats all i been doing is nymphing,and all i been cathing is small browns in the summer and in the spring i was catching alot of bigger ones does this happen to everyone? or is it just me all summer all i been cathing was 3 to 8 inch browns in the Lacky.
The stockers are gone by now. You're dealing with wild trout in the summer. Also, catch and keep anglers probably killed some of the larger wild fish. Are the colorations different?

Most would consider it a better experience. I like both.

Also, the water is lower and warmer in the summer. It's just plain harder to catch a bigger, smarter fish during that time of year.
Pretty good rule of thumb-
Browns will feed when its most comfortable for them-
that includes safety
So if the little browns are feeding its a good bet the bigger ones aren't.
Summer time the larger browns will tend to hunker down when the sun is on the water both for safety from birds and other predators and hi water temperatures.
So in summer fish from the earliest you can see until sun hits water,take a break and come back about the time sun goes down til dark.
Work hoppers in the middle of day if you must.
In the spring it was more comfortable for them to feed when the water is warmer.So you can have day fishing.
Just guessing but I would suspect you need to adjust to the fishes schedule and not expect them to oblige you.