Not a true beginner but looking for help



Mar 22, 2012
So like the title says, Im not truely a beginner but figured this would be the best place to post this. I started fly fishing back when I was 12 or 13 and fished for a few years until about 16 or 17. Now with 30 quickly approaching I think its time to get back into the sport.

Anyway, I have a Cortland combo I got for my birthday to start out with (15+ years ago) that would still work fine. But with thinking of getting back into the world of flies, I would like to purchase something new but not sure where to start. I started looking at all the brands of rods/reels and hit a stopping block. I have no idea what Im looking for!

Im looking for something that I wont "out grow" so to speak if thats posible going from semi noob to semi pro ;). The only type of fishing I intend to do is stream fishing for both native trout and stockies. I fish Chest Creek, Pine Creek, Kettle Creek, Lyman and others. What is pretty much the standard or most popular setup for PA trout fishing? Length, Wt...
As far as rod/reel brands're likely going to get a million opinions...all that matters is that you're comfortable with it though. Try to test cast a few and see what you like. They'll all catch fish, bottom line.

Your second question (rod length/size) is of more importance IMO. The general standard for PA trout fishing is an 8'6 or 9'0 5wt, and that would probably serve you best for the streams you mentioned. Maybe go down to an 8'0 if you'd also like to fish some smaller streams.
There are a ton of choices out there. Figure out your budget. Then look for 8'6" or 9' 5 wt rod within that budget. If there is a local fly shop near you see if you can try some rods. The reel isn't terribly important unless you're going for big stuff. Fly line should be a weight forward floating to start.

Some companies like Redington, Ross, St Croix etc have starter outfits all rigged.

It's really a personal preference thing so it's hard to offer specific rods.
Thanks so the info.

I think Im pretty much set on a Orvis setup, I was more importantly looking for length/wt help.