Northwest PA fishing report

Amd has diminished the stream life to the point only live bait is used on that stream.
jreichel wrote:
So what is the difference between what I just shared here and the stream reports on this site other than the fact that he used live bait?

To answer factually, the Stream Reports section of the site is viewable by registered site members only. I'm not sure how many are registered, but I would guess only a few hundred accounts are actually relatively active. The number of views for the threads in the Stream Reports section are relatively low, when compared to the Fishing Locations section, which is open to the non-registered public. FWIW.

That being said, I think neither the newsletter article, or you posting the link to it here, will have a noticeable impact on the number of anglers on that stream.

My post was 100% TIC. In fact, I fish for Trout on spinning tackle regularly, as recently as yesterday. I don't usually fish bait for Trout...Spinners are far more convenient to use and carry with you, and are more effective than bait when you know how to use them. (They can be fished much faster, and allow you to cover much more water.) I do regularly use bait when fishing saltwater however.

So honest response about the stream. I knew it, and knew of it. I've never fished it, or had any interest to fish it, though I have fished some streams in that general area that I really enjoy. Your post about the article prompted me to read the article, which I enjoyed reading. Thank you. It then prompted me to research the stream a bit more. My research indicated that relatively little of the stream mileage of the watershed is on public land...There's a few couple hundred yard sections on SGL it looks like, but not much else. And little of the watershed is remote and away from roads. These are two features I look for when picking streams...I like to be on public land where I don't have to worry about ownership/posting issues, and I don't like to see other anglers. These qualities are more important to me enjoying a day fishing than catching large numbers of fish, or big fish, though a stream that has all of the above is ideal in my book. Of which there are plenty in PA.

Unfortunately, Sugar Creek does not seem to fit that mold, so the future likelihood of me fishing it is small, despite the nice fish in that article, and I certainly wouldn't target a trip from all the way across the state to fish it. Though there are streams in that general area that I would. Again, thanks for posting it though. Who doesn't like to see pictures of big Brown Trout?
Swattie87 thank you for your feedback. As a long time member of this site I’m familiar with your posts and I took your jab with a chuckle. We may possibly have met since I did attend the Jam several years ago and would love to again but work has kept me from it. My avatar does not portray my activity on this site since my post count got lost several years ago when I was a lot more active, a server issue if my memory serves me right. That said I am familiar with the member wall on the stream reports and Just to put peoples minds at ease that news letter only has 50 - 60 subscribers and most of those are contributors.

I can relate with everything you said.

I haven’t used live bait except for ice fishing for panfish since I was a kid and I’m about to turn 60. I also have thrown a lot of hardware on spinning and casting equipment for trout and bass, like you said much more efficient. I did some tournament (dirty word to some) bass fishing in my late 20’s and through my 30’s with some success and enjoyed it immensely!

I also prefer to fish on public land for the same reasons you listed and my favorite stretch of this stream is that section you mentioned and it’s longer than you think. It’s a good place if you only have a few hours to fish. I’ve only explored a couple other parts my self and I live within 30 minutes of it. I was just surprised at the amount and size of the fish he was reporting and immediately thought of you guys on this site and wondered what you all thought. I got some of the feedback I was expecting in some of the early posts but was taken back by the negativity but maybe we are all wound a little tight right now including myself! Thanks again for your feedback and fellowship! =:~}
larkmark wrote:

I have never understood what they hope to achieve.

Ego, building and maintaining a personal network offering them access and opportunities that the normal guy doesn't have, advertising dollars, and promoting their guide services.

In no particular order.
Coldbore- Yep. And the end result is more streams crowded with knuckleheads and landowners deciding to shut down their places due to the disrespect of the masses. So it really is selfish and stupid if you look at it long term. Not that it will stop the people on here who insist that "streams need friends" or that it creates some kind of internet fraternity or fellowship as if that is what their advertisement is about.
We should all get together to Euro nymph, instead of posting so much. I'll bring the PBR.
Yeah. Maybe a PBR sponsored Euro nymphing competition on some creek in northwest PA or better yet Spring Cr.
Cold and Lark,

I used to fight this battle on here and elsewhere. You're fighting a losing battle, even though your posts 24 and 25 are right on the money.

I can tell you this: If you have any "secret spot" left anywhere, don't tell anyone about them, even, as Traver noted, friends you'd trust around your wife. My old secret spots vanished after a character I refer to as Horace Realtalk sold them out to k/t fishermen.

Anyhow, you are, sadly, fighting a losing battle.
I fish Sugar but I don’t target big fish so my PB there isn’t all that big. It’s more of a numbers stream with stocked rainbows. You’ll find my stream reports from past years to be fairly comprehensive. I keep records and they indicate most days it’s 10 rainbows to 1 brown. In the murkiest of conditions it’s 2.5 browns to every rainbow. Nothing unusual there. There is a guide on the stream and he is teaching people to flyfish there. I ran into one of his pupils last year. He got sound advice.

AMD was mentioned above. I haven’t been on the stream during grannom hatch for 4-5 years but I’m not aware of any great decline in insects. That was the biggest hatch. About 10 years ago I caught 9 on dries on the Sunday after the first day. That is unusual but there typically are insects. Again my stream reports detail that.

Sugar is a good stopping point on my way home from my camp. So over the years I would hit it on 3-4 Sunday afternoons and a few othercdays when I drive up. Last 2 years it’s been muddy on my way through so my days on the stream are down.
