Northwest PA fishing report



Feb 20, 2007
Meadville, Crawford County
Here is a Northwest PA fishing report with big brown trout from Sugar Creek in Venango county some may find interesting.

Sorry doesn’t look like my link is working.

Maybe this one?
I don't think the fish commission would look to favorably on the taking of any trout, let alone a stocked trophy brown, from public water to private water! How many other trout has this guy taken from public waters to stock his pond?
I do not think that is illegal. I think that once you possess the fish, it is yours to kill and grill, to release, or to take to another location and release it. I do not think it is altogether unusual for guys to do this.
My understanding is you could put it in your own private pond but not place it in another ATW. If that is not correct I'm sure there will be plenty of responses.
My thoughts are he could have took it home and enjoyed eating it or had it mounted to enjoy but instead put it in his pond to enjoy. That said putting it back in the stream where it came from so others may get lucky enough to enjoy is another option it to each his own!

All that aside the reason I posted this was to let others on this site know that there are big brown trout in this creek and I’m pretty sure that some of them are wild stream bread as this stream has a healthy wild population in it. This guy regularly posts in this newsletter such catches and sometimes he even gets them on a fly rod.

I just wish the photos were better as it’s hard to evaluate the fish as stocked or wild. If anyone has any input as to that I would love to here it.
There WAS a nice 25" brown in this stream. Now it's swimming in some guy's private pond.
Turns out that it is legal and can be done without a permit as long as the fish is taken to a body of water in the same watershed in which it was caught. Not something I would ever do but to each his own.
I wish Darl would ease up on the Chamber of Commerce stuff or at least maybe be a little more selective/discerning. So far as I know, all the access to the stream in question is in private hands and over the years, various portions of the stream have been lost to public use.

This isn't a 200 acre lake with 3 PFBC launches, it's a medium size trout stream flowing through farmland and behind houses. As such, the access situation warrants a little more thought before publicizing it in this manner.

IMO, anyway..

It could also be that I'm getting old and grumpy. But even if I were not, I'd still see it pretty much the same way.

I agree with you completely. I used to fight the battle on here, and that was before I was as old and grumpy as I am now.

I have seen a lot of local water posted during the past 20 years, though I have been lucky to gain fishing permission on a lot of the places that got posted. But, I lost access to another place this spring. It is a nice 200-yard stretch where it was nice to finish an outing. The new owner is from out-of-state and doesn't know me from one of the three stooges. He was nice about denying me access, noting that people had already been tearing down his posters. I'll probably ask again, but I do not see myself being fortunate enough to be allowed to fish there. I guess I have to look at is as one less place to fish.

At my age, I think if I lose many more places to fly-fish for trout that I'll have to dig out my ancient bass-fishing spinning rods, buy some lures, and try to learn how to land smallies that aren't too far away. But, I read about fishing sticks and stuff like that, and I don't even know how guys fish these modern rubbery concoctions.

Well, I guess I strayed pretty far off topic on this damp, rainy day when I'm stuck inside with my first sinus infection of the spring.

Anyhow, RL2, I empathize with the situation you are talking about.
"as the grandiose fish raced about the pool..."
Now that there is some fine descriptive prose!

I wish ALL these guys would ease up on the chamber of commerce stuff. They have done more harm than they seem to understand. It is a shame. I have never understood what they hope to achieve.
Has anyone tried reaching out to this guy? As mentioned, it's a good chance that some of these fish are wild and it's a real shame if he's making a habit of relocating them.
I'm really looking forward to exploring this stream this year, just found out about it last year made a few casts and was quite shocked at what I seen! If anyone is familiar with this stream and cares to pm me if love to ask some questions about the stream
Thunderpole- I'm sure you and an army of bait fishermen will all be exploring it.
That creek is sweet! :lol:

Can anyone recommend some nice lodgings and good eats in the area? I’d like to make a nice weekend trip out there.

Oh, and a reputable bait, I mean fly, shop in the area.
So what is the difference between what I just shared here and the stream reports on this site other than the fact that he used live bait?

The stream reports here reach far more people than this small free email news letter. And there for advertise streams and fish locations to vastly more people especially those who target trout. It’s not like this is a secret stream it’s a stocked ATW.

As for land postings I believe that is caused by the poor land owner respect shown by the hordes of people who fish the streams the first 2 weeks of the season due to the stocked fish that are there for the taking and don’t come back till opening day the next year . Not the people who fish it regularly.

The angler in question I believe releases way more fish than he relocates. He has also been reporting catches like this, on this stream, in this news letter for years and it appears to not be impacting the fishery in a negative way as the fish are still present in fair numbers.

Again the reason I shared this was in hopes of starting a conversation about the quality of the fishery not the ethics of taking of a trophy fish or the advertisement of said fish or fishing location. Kind of disappointed! All this negativity, cabin fever I guess.
I will probably be heading out there soon. Is there a local source for night crawlers and butterworms that you can suggest?
larkmark wrote:
I will probably be heading out there soon. Is there a local source for night crawlers and butterworms that you can suggest?

The only problem with someone trying to be funny is when there is a serious lack of wit! That goes for the earlier similar posts also!

My mom always said if you don’t have something positive to add to the conversation, better to keep your mouth shut!

This is an example of a post that makes us look like a group of elitist A- holes! Just saying!!

Anyone who can prove they have never fished with live bait feel free to tell me otherwise!

All that said to each his own!