


Feb 12, 2013
what a fun fish! Hooked 5 times before landing!! couldnt believe it...biggest pike on the fly rod around 32''...what an awesome day


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Nice, I remember my first pike on the fly. I lost him 3 or 4 times and he just kept hitting the fly. Finally got him in. Very aggressive fish.
Awesome, I really didn't even realize we had pike in Pa waters!
Oh wait, is that a "Warrior" fly rod?!?!?!

Nice fish!
Toothy Critter Success Thread
Nice catch
theres actually alot of pike in pa waters!! losts of biggens too...but thanks fish
sipe wrote:
Awesome, I really didn't even realize we had pike in Pa waters!

In your part of the state there aren't so many opportunities for them. In northwester PA, however, Pike are native there and found in many rivers, streams, and lakes. In fact, Pike are native all around the globe in upper reaches of the northern hemisphere. In my part of the state we don't have native pike either but the PFBC keeps two lakes not too far away from me stocked with fingerlings. When I was in college at Clarion I could find pike in that area in all sorts of streams just through natural reproduction. Pike are fantastic fish and really quite easy to catch as they are so aggressive. So if you can find a medium sized stream loaded with them they are easy to locate and easy to catch.
Pike eat a fly with bad intentions! And there one a few species of fish you can **** off and work em in to frenzy. My first topwater pike hit 7 times before I got iron in him.
sipe wrote:
Awesome, I really didn't even realize we had pike in Pa waters!

Pike are native to PA waters. In fact, they are native in certain northern areas around the entire globe from Scandinavia, Russia, other parts of Europe, Canada, and the U.S. They are not common in York because that is not their native range, but travel to NW PA and pike are abundant. They are naturally found in lakes, streams, and rivers all over NW PA. I live in central PA and I wish that I lived in the native pike range. They have been stocked into a very limited number of lakes where I live but the opportunities for them are not that great. When I lived in Clarion, PA for college, however, I was a pike catching maniac and loved every minute of it. They are easy to catch, aggressive, and, if you want to keep one or two here and there and know how to fillet without the Y-bones, one of the most delicious fish I have ever dined on. Deep fried pike fillets or pickled pike in a jar....yum.

Do you have many chain pickerel opportunities around York? I also love this smaller yet very voracious predator of the Esox family.