No chub in the breeches?

Fished at Allenberry the other night, fish were rising here and there, Caught a few browns while a blue herron watched closely. The next fish I hooked up with was 7 inch chub and tossed onto the bank. The herron was on it in seconds and seemed to hang around me for the rest of the evening.
It's like feeding an ally cat. That bird will be thinking about you for the rest of its life.
Fished at Allenberry the other night, fish were rising here and there, Caught a few browns while a blue herron watched closely. The next fish I hooked up with was 7 inch chub and tossed onto the bank. The herron was on it in seconds and seemed to hang around me for the rest of the evening.
Why do this though? What's the point? You can't control what does or doesn't hit your fly. Do you want people to start tossing browns to the bank? This is how you get people to start tossing browns to the bank.
Never understood why people feel the need to remove native species and kill them because not their desired game fish. Eels, fallfish(often misidentified as creek chubs), creek chubs, suckers.

Further fall fish are Silvery fusiform shaped predatory fish that take dry flies, streamers, and nymphs. Why are they not considered a game fish?
Further fall fish are Silvery fusiform shaped predatory fish that take dry flies, streamers, and nymphs. Why are they not considered a game fish?
Because they're not trout. Fallfish are actually prettier than stocked fish. Had to look up fusiform but your description is quite accurate FS. I think they look cool and have neat fins. When they roll the flash is bright due to their silvery sides. Their scale pattern looks a bit like the scale pattern on a tarpon (obviously head shape and body shape are different) (also size). Fallfish are my favorite out of chubs, daces, and suckers. Although not the greatest fighters they are often willing to take any fly and will do so with a bit of vigor. Fallfish have often saved the day when the trout fishing was getting rough. They pull some acrobatic stunts too when dry fly fishing, sometimes flipping over the fly entirely (missing it). I don't think they have the best eye sight.

There's a junk (polluted) stream by me that has fallfish approaching 18 inches and they seem to be in good numbers and seem to be the predominant fish in the creek. Don't think many creeks have fallfish as the top predator. I enjoy going there in early March and hitting them on massive sucker spawn. I would always try to go out and catch a bigger one. My best is around 17 inches, taken on a hopper. I need to get back to this creek to see how it's fishing, having fished it consistently since 2019.
Because they're not trout. Fallfish are actually prettier than stocked fish. Had to look up fusiform but your description is quite accurate FS. I think they look cool and have neat fins. When they roll the flash is bright due to their silvery sides. Their scale pattern looks a bit like the scale pattern on a tarpon (obviously head shape and body shape are different) (also size). Fallfish are my favorite out of chubs, daces, and suckers. Although not the greatest fighters they are often willing to take any fly and will do so with a bit of vigor. Fallfish have often saved the day when the trout fishing was getting rough. They pull some acrobatic stunts too when dry fly fishing, sometimes flipping over the fly entirely (missing it). I don't think they have the best eye sight.

There's a junk (polluted) stream by me that has fallfish approaching 18 inches and they seem to be in good numbers and seem to be the predominant fish in the creek. Don't think many creeks have fallfish as the top predator. I enjoy going there in early March and hitting them on massive sucker spawn. I would always try to go out and catch a bigger one. My best is around 17 inches, taken on a hopper. I need to get back to this creek to see how it's fishing, having fished it consistently since 2019.
One near me has em that size, they were the original top predator in many streams before the 7-10 large non-native/invasives got here. I wonder how big they used to get or if their size structure changed dramatically like brook trout’s did.
Never understood why people feel the need to remove native species and kill them because not their desired game fish. Eels, fallfish(often misidentified as creek chubs), creek chubs, suckers.

Further fall fish are Silvery fusiform shaped predatory fish that take dry flies, streamers, and nymphs. Why are they not considered a game fish?
Unfortunately, these amateurs like to play God in these parts.
There actually was a bad flash flood a few years back. It destroyed the hatchery from what I recall.
Don’t worry I am sure they did/will raise money,have beef and beers, and maybe get PFBC funding even to rebuild it while projects to restore local streams such as the one I have been taking part in will be on hold pending funding, priorities.
Don’t worry I am sure they did/will raise money,have beef and beers, and maybe get PFBC funding even to rebuild it while projects to restore local streams such as the one I have been taking part in will be on hold pending funding, priorities.
Don't worry about just one hatchery loss, the PFBC has many more pumping invasives into all forms of water. We'd stock a puddle if we could, but our preferred watersheds are those that contain endangered native species. We're gonna be taking a brief break right now, even though the majority of genetically deficient trout have died in these boiling water temps, but don't worry, come fall we'll be back in the full swing of things, putting the angling experience and license sales above all else, and we don't give a rat's a** about how many species we have to eradicate to make it happen! And that's a fact, Jack!
Don’t worry I am sure they did/will raise money,have beef and beers, and maybe get PFBC funding even to rebuild it while projects to restore local streams such as the one I have been taking part in will be on hold pending funding, priorities.
Does the Dauphin L.O.C. host a beef and beers for Chubs?
I mean I’m not crying over that one, their stocking invasive predatory trout over possibly soon to be federally endangered native chesapeake log perch.
There’s no guarantee of that and it’s likely that many more species of plants and animals are proposed than ever qualify in the end.
There’s no guarantee of that and it’s likely that many more species of plants and animals are proposed than ever qualify in the end.
yea no one overreact their not even extinct yet. 9 streams left on planet earth that contain them and a host of invasive species as a threat accordingly to Dr. stauffer but lets wait till there is a single mating pair left before we take some very reasonable precautions to ensure we are not accelerating their decline with stocked invasive speciees. Its not like Dr. Mark kirk published a paper showing lower presence of native fish in the darter family with invasive brown trout in our very state. Nothing to see here move along people but your trout stamps

yea no one overreact their not even extinct yet. 9 streams left on planet earth that contain them and a host of invasive species as a threat accordingly to Dr. stauffer but lets wait till there is a single mating pair left before we take some very reasonable precautions to ensure we are not accelerating their decline with stocked invasive speciees. Its not like Dr. Mark kirk published a paper showing lower presence of native fish in the darter family with invasive brown trout in our very state. Nothing to see here move along people but your trout stamps
I know you are a DR.
You should publish a paper on a new and rare syndrome that happens to conservation agency employees.

"Noah's Ark Syndrome"

Its a mental disease classified by the delusion that species can be recovered and should only be recovered by a single mating pair. The sad effects on the on the biota of a region are devastating. Species loss due to inaction and mutant hatchery species bred in an attempt to recover species loss are all possible outcomes.
Side effects to the person's can include euphoria associated by playing God on determining what lives or dies.
Not yet. I'm in Northern Lower Michigan on a week trip hitting it hard here.