No Bug Activity



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
I'd like to dispel the rumor that when you go to a stream and see no fish rising that there is no bug activity. There is always bug activity, you just have to pick up some rocks.
What? Fish eat bugs? I thought they (insert sin'rool Pinnsiveenya dialect here) ate Pauer Bait, corn, 'n rosy reds! Ain't?
I was not aware of this rumor. Is it rampant?
Luke wrote:
I was not aware of this rumor. Is it rampant?

Not enough. I've been trying to spread it for weeks. :)

I find it better to simply spread the rumor that when you go to a stream and see no fish there are none. Has worked so far for me.
considering that when most people make that statement they are usually putting it in context of hatches you Chaz are just as wrong as those making the statement. Its the context of the statement that matters. If the fact that someone saying there what little bug activity to be seen bothers you then you need help. This post it worthless and keep up the little bug activity post everyone it only bothers Chaz since he can't decipher it as hatch activity by inferring a little.
MHanes wrote:
considering that when most people make that statement they are usually putting it in context of hatches you Chaz are just as wrong as those making the statement. Its the context of the statement that matters. If the fact that someone saying there what little bug activity to be seen bothers you then you need help. This post it worthless and keep up the little bug activity post everyone it only bothers Chaz since he can't decipher it as hatch activity by inferring a little.

I'm not sure if this is related or not, but I've often heard people say they went to a particular stream and "Nothing was happening."

I used to assume that meant they went there and fished, trying all the standard nymph patterns, maybe some streamers, going through their fly boxes, trying everything, and not being able to catch anything despite all these efforts.

But it could mean that they went there, stood on the bank looking out over the water and didn't see any trout rising. Said "Nothing is happening." Then got back in the vehicle and drove away.

uniz firgeted doeballz n cheez