Newbie Needing a fishing buddy



New member
Feb 12, 2011
I moved to PA from Florida and recently got into fly fishing and I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I work so much that I don't really get to go to any TU or other fishing club meetings. I can cast, but I have no idea what to fish where or how. Could anyone please help me? I fish the East Branch of Brandywine Creek, Valley Creek, French Creek, and West Valley Creek. I would really like to have someone to go out with me so I can watch them and see what I'm doing wrong. Please feel free to email me (, I'll be fishing the Branywine tomorrow (02/13/11), then hopefully when I'm off Friday I'll fish it again. Thanks, and Good Luck!!
Welcome to PAFF, dluton.

You might be interested in attending a special event we have coming up on the 26th of February. Click here for the details. Perfect opportunity to make some new fishing buddies, and we'll give you all the help you need/can stand. :cool:

dluton, There is a lot you can do while not on the stream learning what to fish, where and how. Books, videos, and the internet can bring the learning curve way down quite quickly. I know those things did for me. You can learn what to fish, where, and how from going through the archives on this site too. Lots of skilled and generous folks on here seemingly always eager to help. I fish Valley from the ones you mentioned and would be willing to meet up come better weather. I may actually hit it next Friday as the temps could be in the 60's and I need a day off.
I have a joan wolfe video on casting, and I've done some research on reading the rise, I got the book "Trout Streams and Hatches on Pennsylvania", I'm just not finding any specifics on what flies for this time of year, and how to set them up. Presentation is my downfall and I'm a visual learner, If I can watch it or see someone do it, I can mimick it pretty good usually.
I saw the Post for the meeting, Would love to attend, but my downfall is I have a 3 week rotating schedule. This coming week I get Friday off, The following I get Tues and Thurs, and the one after that I get Wed, Sat, and Sunday. So my next weekend off is March 5th and 6th.

Correction, my wife just reminded me I got vacation for the 26th through the 6th for my sons first birthday on the second, If I can afford the gas I'll get there!!!

Also, could anyone provide me an address? it says where the old tly shop was, but I have no idea where that is, I got gps in my phone!
dluton wrote:
I got gps in my phone!

This will put you right there...

40.564993, -75.506364

2851 Fish Hatchery Rd.
Allentown, PA 18103

There's several guys coming up from your area for this event - maybe someone will offer to carpool with you to save gas.

Hope to see you there!


I just moved to the Thorndale area as well. I will be attending the event as a "lower level" instructor. Can give ride if needed. Though I too have never been to the Little Lehigh and will be feeling my way around there.

As far as skill, I'm fairly experienced but not in this geographic area, just moved here in October and have gotten out a grand total of twice since then. So you probably know more about these streams than I do, and I can help with the technique. Maybe a win-win...

I'd be happy to take you out fishing, though I'm not sure how our schedules will match up. I'm pretty much steady Mon-Fri 8-5, and its an hour drive to work so I get home at 6ish. Weekends work best. I can, on occasion, go in early and get out early, though. Once we get more daylight, I'll probably be out here and there in the evenings.
pcray1231 wrote:

I will be attending the event as a "lower level" instructor.

Now that's funny! Lower level, my arse. ;-)

One of the thoughts that ran through my head when I came up with the idea for the Instructional Jam, was to encourage some of our experienced guys to mentor a beginner in fly fishing.

I've had the chance to mentor someone this past year, and found it to be as rewarding for myself, as it hopefully was for them. Watching that person grow into an effective and competent flyfisher and tyer has been very gratifying, even though they'd have done so without my help.

With luck, you'll wind up with a good fishing buddy, and friend to boot.
I consider myself an incomplete FF. I'm very good at some things, but rather poor at others. A specialist, but not a Jack of all trades yet.

So, compared to some of the other instructors, yes, lower level. I feel plenty qualified to discuss my topic, but I also expect to learn a few things from others...

dluton, I'm serious though about the ride, and the offer to get out if our schedules work out...
Pat, many would love to stoop to your C'mon you're a ringer, Dude.


I'm not going to be able to make it because of work. It looks like you have plenty help (albeit lower level).... :lol:
You will be missed, Tom. Appreciate you letting me know in advance.

We'll do our best to hold down the fort. ;-)
Well, sad news, I am relocating to Chattanooga, TN immediately after the Jam, maybe even before. I want to thank all of you, this has been the most welcoming fishing forum I have found, and I already started looking in TN and you guys just completely put them to shame!! I wanna thank pcray for his guidance and "guide"ance, as well as k-bob and heritage angler. I will miss y'all and hope to see you at the Jam!!!!!
Just because you move away doesn't mean you can't still visit us here. :)