Newbie Jam?


Considering that it is probably dangerous for me to man any station is there anything I can do to help out?
Don't sell yourself short, Stagger.

Remember, to a complete newbie, you'd look like a seasoned veteran.

You could do a lot of good by just spending time with newbies, and explaining your journey thus far.

Just show up, and we'll plug you in somewhere. Don't forget your fishing gear for the afternoon session - I just know you'd be able to get some lucky newbie his first fish on the fly.

Time to start paying it forward - you're not a newbie anymore. :)
Sounds good ... let me know if you want me to bring-up some water, soda or anything in case everyone gets thirsty.
I'm in! Not as instructor though...this sounds like good stuff.
Heritage -angler. well you know entomology is not my strong suit. But I will accept that challange. It will force me to brush up. Imatation is not a problem. I would just need to know which flies you would like discussed. Nevertheless. I am in.

I could try and whip up a powerpoint thingy for you and email it to yo if you'd like. You'll need a laptop to display though.
Krayfish, I appreciate that but I do not have a lap top.
