New to the forums - Looking for some SW PA water



May 1, 2014
Hello everyone! I am new to the forums and just wanted to introduce myself and see whether anyone can advise me on some good fly fishing water nearby Johnstown, PA. Not sure about where to post everything on this forum yet, so if I'm making a mistake please let me know! Anyway, I am trying to figure out a stream with some good hatches around here in the next couple months. Any advice is welcome, and glad to be on the forum. Fly fishing is my favorite!
Welcome Beagle,
A good place to start your stream search is the "Where to Fly Fish" link in the upper right side of this page. You may also care to scroll thru the Stream Reports forum which lists waters by stream name and county.
Thanks! I did browse there for a bit after posting this and it seems that there are not very many waters close to me being discussed here. Maybe I will have to start a trend :) I'll take another look, and the reports section definitely sounds interesting!
Welcome. I like the net handle. I have a Beagle that has a mind of his own. He's a rabbit chasing fool.
So is mine, except he can't seem to circle the freakin' things for me... he's a little pain but he's my little pain lol. I am taking my wife on a day trip to the Loyalhanna tomorrow. I want to fish the DHALO section but I don't know if she will use flies or not. She always wants to use wax worms, so I may end up fishing above that section unfortunately.
My Beagle is pretty good at bringing the rabbits back around. He's slow, so that's most likely the rabbit circling. I like that he's slow on the trail, it keeps him out of harm's way.

On the worms, check out sandfly's butter worms in the fly tying forum.
psychobeagle12 wrote:
So is mine, except he can't seem to circle the freakin' things for me...

Beagles don't do anything special to circle the rabbit. The circling is all on the rabbit. The rabbit has a home range when he gets to the edge of his range he circles to stay in side his range. If your hound is chasing something a mile out that does not seem to circle it is probably a deer. I say seem because the deer will circle too, its just a much bigger circle.
Welcome to the Jungle!
shortrod2 wrote:

Beagles don't do anything special to circle the rabbit. The circling is all on the rabbit. The rabbit has a home range when he gets to the edge of his range he circles to stay in side his range. If your hound is chasing something a mile out that does not seem to circle it is probably a deer. I say seem because the deer will circle too, its just a much bigger circle.

He used to chase deer, but several weeks and a shock collar cured that ;) I now know he is chasing rabbits (sometimes pheasants) and there are times he brings them around, he just isn't really great at it yet. I have been gearing up for some heavy rabbit training this spring so hopefully come the season he will be ready to go!