New to Fly Fishing (Mechanicsburg)



New member
Jan 22, 2012
Fished my whole life..from surf fishing, deep sea fishing, Pacific NW stream and rivers, and Texas Bass......all Spinner and bait casting... but finally "saw the light" :lol: Got set up with a 8.5' Rod, some flies, waders..and have been out the last two weeks on the Breeches and Clarks Creek. Just getting my casting arm loose and working on figuring everything out! Having a ball so far. Love the cold weather and there's not too many other people out to watch me donate my flies to the local tree limbs! Glad to be here...looking forward to meeting many of you!
Welcome Rob. PA fly-fishing has a lot to offer (both the actual fishing around here and the site). Reading your posts about your experiences in all the places and types of fish you've chased should be quite interesting. Glad to have you on board.
You live in a great area to start flyfishing. I'm starting to believe its the best area of the state.
Many would argue that though. :)
If you're fishing Clarks, I KNOW you're donating lots of flies to the trees. Been there and do it every time I'm there!
Just stay out of the "Off-Topic" section of the forum. That's a rough crowd in there! :-D
Off-Topic??? Ohhh man.. gotta go there! ;-)
Your definitely in a great area for fly fishing. I'm on Clark's a lot sure I'll walk past ya one day. Anyways good luck welcome to the forum. And stick with it, it eventually gets easier.


Welcome aboard, I live in your area(Enola), it's a great area we live in. Maybe we'll meet up sometime and do some fishing together.

Glad to have aboard and although I hate to admit it Squaretail may be right about where you live. I look forward to hearing about your first fish caught on a fly rod. If you already got it, then brag my new PAFF brethen! I can't get enough on that feeling even if it is vicariously through others!
Welcome aboard. GG
Ditto about being a great fishing area. Grew up in M'burg so I'm familiar with a lot of streams in the area. Drop me a PM if you ever want specifics. Welcome aboard!
A Pic? Maybe that's why I haven't caught a fist yet...I didn't bring my camera! OK I will certainly post my first catch on a Fly!
I only live a mile from Clarks. You want to hit it sometime, shoot me a PM. I probably fish it 2 times a year but will show you around and help you with casting, flies, etc. if you want the assistance.