New Rod

nymphingmaniac wrote:
Experienced people on this board sometime forget what its like starting out and not being exactly clear on what you should look for or how a rod should feel.

I disagree with this sentiment 100%.

By not using descriptors, its quite easy to send someone out to figure out what they want. "Pick the one that feels right" is perfectly logical advise when paired with, "try to do the things you would want to do, not just bang out 90' of fly line."

Having the employee, friend, random hot chick, etc weigh in on which rod looks best in your hands is invaluable advise, as well, as it factors squarely into "pick that which feels best."

However, walking into a store with preconceived notions of, "I want a (blank) rod" is a good way to be convinced that you need something you may not.
This is great advice. I rarely get to talk to people informed on any subject so actually hearing something worthwhile is great. Thanks everyone.

I was actually planning on checking TCO as well. I am more familiar with that store since it was a pain in the *** for me to find FFP originally. Took awhile to find the directions of theirs in the FAQs on their site.

I don't really know if I like fast or slow actions yet so I will probably go somewhere in the middle if possible. I know my dad has a guy he works with that fly fishes and if I ever get out with him I could ask him to use his rod, or even possibly ask him to bring an extra if he has one. This seems like a very sound idea.

gfen wrote:
Having the employee, friend, random hot chick, etc weigh in on which rod looks best in your hands is invaluable advise, as well, as it factors squarely into "pick that which feels best."

I have learned to NEVER ignore a random hot chick who is talking about holding a rod.