New Posting on Codorus creek

^ Fixed that for you.....

Biologist surveys have not been shared online from the PFBC site for quite a few years now. Check out how many recent surveys are listed for Management Area 6 below or pick any Management area.

Almost none added in the last 3 or 4 years in Area 6. The Commish has to do a lot better sharing info with the angling public since they fund these surveys in the first place and deserve to be able to access this info.


It's a pain in the butt, but I call and ask. The folks in fisheries management seem to be generally enthused that someone is interested in their work and have always been very forthcoming to me with a lot more information than is in those reports.

I've also been told by those same biologists that a lot of small surveys are done and were never published, but I don't know is that's a recent development or was always the case.

Obviously if Mike chimes in we'll know for sure.
The FBC used to post many of their surveys. Here is an example from the list I posted > Susquehanna River YOY surveys: 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 > and none published in the last 4 years even though surveys were completed. This is just an example. Look at the multiple surveys published in years past and no new entries the past 4 years or so. Again, this is true of all Management areas not just Area 6 (which I am most familiar). I'm sure it's because of a lack of personnel. But as I stated above, having to field inquires from each angler with a question individually is a lot more labor intensive than publishing the info online. Plus having the info online builds awareness about our fish and waterways by raising a red flag or raising the flag of victory.
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As an fyi there is a good bit of info published for each quarterly commission meeting in the appendices associated with the listing of wild trout streams and class a streams. The recent fisheries committee meeting also had a lot of interesting data presented on the group of class a streams that are stocked.

The agency certainly could do a better job of publishing survey data.
The recent fisheries committee meeting also had a lot of interesting data presented on the group of class a streams that are stocked.
Where did you find that? I looked pretty hard on the PFBC web site and only found agendas and recordings of the full Commission meetings, not the Committee meetings.
The FBC used to post many of their surveys. Here is an example from the list I posted > Susquehanna River YOY surveys: 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 > and none published in the last 4 years even though surveys were completed. This is just an example. Look at the multiple surveys published in years past and no new entries the past 4 years or so. Again, this is true of all Management areas not just Area 6 (which I am most familiar). I'm sure it's because of a lack of personnel. But as I stated above, having to field inquires from each angler with a question individually is a lot more labor intensive than publishing the info online. Plus having the info online builds awareness about our fish and waterways by raising a red flag or raising the flag of victory.
If you check the biologist reports Area 6 actually has 5 reports from 2021. However Area 3 has none from 2019-2021? Don't understand that. On the whole I agree with you though, it seems like for every area there should be more. Maybe upper management isn't requiring area manager's to do it anymore or making it a priority. I enjoy reading the reports, seeing the methods used, results and looking at the pictures, but maybe the Commission determined most people don't so they don't put the effort into it.
Where did you find that? I looked pretty hard on the PFBC web site and only found agendas and recordings of the full Commission meetings, not the Committee meetings.
The meeting was shown on facebook live. I believe a recorded version is still available on facebook and should be available soon on youtube if its not already. I am sure with your connections you could get a copy of the presentation haha.

It's a pain in the butt, but I call and ask. The folks in fisheries management seem to be generally enthused that someone is interested in their work and have always been very forthcoming to me with a lot more information than is in those reports.

I've also been told by those same biologists that a lot of small surveys are done and were never published, but I don't know is that's a recent development or was always the case.

Obviously if Mike chimes in we'll know for sure.
Cool. I just asked because in my conversation with them, I mentioned Id be interested in their findings, and was told they’d prob be published sometime after the new year. Thanks for the suggestions on making contact. I’m Curious to say what they have to say