new organization Idea?



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Around the bend.
Why can't we Fly fisherman of Pennsylvania not have a State wide organization not affiliated with national organizations representing the views of fly fisherman to the PAFBC and Harrisburg? MR Araway and staff have spoke to me about the greasy wheel, ex. This could be a way to get 100% of fly fisherman represented into a PAC to influence how regulations, practices of the PAFBC. What maters to Harrisburg are Numbers by not being assembled into one voice we simply do not have the voice necessary for effective change. It is just an idea. Thoughts?
Why can't we Fly fisherman of Pennsylvania not have a State wide organization..... This could be a way to get 100% of fly fisherman represented into a PAC....

You will NEVER have 100% of ANY group united, and that includes flyfishermen.

It is just an idea. Thoughts?

I guess you could start it, and see where it goes.

Best of luck (and that's not being sarcastic, just honest).
You will NEVER have 100% of ANY group united, and that includes flyfishermen.

And, of the ones that you DO get to join the organization/PAC, you will never have 100% agreement on anything within the group.
Thats a great idea CRB but taking power away from our state legislators is like trying to take a chicken out of a gators mouth.
Do it. How successful will it be........idk, but it's worth a shot.

I would think one organization representing all anglers rather then a simple subset would be more effective. I would think that by dividing into sub groups it makes it easier to be blown off. Divide and conquer is exactly what the politicians want. This way they can pit the dreaded bait guy against the fly guy against the bass guy. Oh wait this is already occurring. No I don't think it will make a difference.