New member.. new fly fisherman..



New member
Feb 24, 2024
I live next door in Ohio, just a few miles across the state line. I'm a new fly fisherman, still trying to figure out this casting and knot thing. Looking forward to visiting PA this spring to catch a few trout. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Joe,
A pond full of sunfish and bass that's bordered by space for a back-cast, is one of the best places to practice a straight cast. The other fancier presentations will be learned on moving water.
There are tons of videos for "the best way to" tie knots. The actual best way to learn is by practicing knots while the wife is telling you all about her day... Just the right amount of distraction for proper learning. Also, invest in a nail knot tool, unless you really trust welded loops. After using straws, toothpicks, and actual nails for tying them, I broke down and got a Knot Kneedle. It helped a fat-fingered old guy so much that I gifted a couple to my boys.
Have fun. It isn't life-or-death unless you make it so.
- Glenn
Welcome aboard, lots of info on these pages. If you have specific problems post it here. You will get more info than you can handle.
You will soon find out there is no wrong way, just multiple ways to skin the cat. Pick what suits your style gear and situation.
Welcome to the site from a born and bred central NYer. Been to Hueston Woods State Park when I worked for the Red Cross as we had our Regional Conference out there. Loved that area! I've been tying flies for over 50 years and hosting fly swaps for the past 14 years. Feel free to check out one of my swaps if you'd like. We are ALWAYS happy to see a new face!

Either way, I look forwrd to seeing your posts!

Welcome aboard. GG
Hello NMJoe
With some Ohio MOJO, u might already b familiar w MRO Fly Shop
REALLY GREAT content & education here.

Practice your knots and stay 100+ yards from anglers established on the stream when u get there...
Hello NMJoe
With some Ohio MOJO, u might already b familiar w MRO Fly Shop
REALLY GREAT content & education here.

Practice your knots and stay 100+ yards from anglers established on the stream when u get there...
Hi Bruce,
100+ yards?! I can't even find 100+ feet. You must be smoking a smelly cigar like Merwin recommended.
You're welcome to ask me questions when I'm rigging up on the shore. I may not respond gently if inquiries are made while I'm actually fishing. ;)
Welcome Joe. YouTube university and throwing a hunk of yarn in the backyard has helped my cast. Far from perfect, but catching less trees each outing. As far as knots, again, watching YouTube and following along with some round shoelaces, then stepping down to smaller size string helped. Still have to think about it each time but figure it will all come with practice. Good luck to you.
The advice I offer most to newbies in the this age of too much of everything...

... is take small bites and swallow first so you don't choke to death on information ;)

In regards to knots; pick a few and learn them before seeking more. If they work for you, forget about the rest...

FWIW - I only tie TWO 99% of the time and to be honest, one is a variation of the other.

Also, you can practice knots while watching TV so learn them at home, not on the water. :)

Welcome Joe!!