New loomis short stix

geebee wrote:
sandfly wrote:
take a DH and add 150 ft. of Cortland braided mono and a nice leadcore head and watch the difference. I use an old HMG 14' 10 wt with that setup. my 9 x 9 and 10's can't cast that far. over the bar it goes.

you're a professional. it doesn't count :p

but to qualify it, i did mean 'in general' - most people cannot cast a DH OH well enough to justify it imho - rather like those that buy a super duper fast action rod....

in either case you need a lot of practice or to take specific lessons, which most anglers never do.

Two handed casting is much easier to learn and master than SH casting. If you do a lot of salmon, steel and salt, it may be worth looking into. If not, no real reason to bother.
2 hand over head cast is actually easier to learn than learning to cast a single hand rod. spey casting is different and a longer learning curve than over head casting.