new guy



Feb 21, 2011
i am new to the site and would just like to say hello to everyone. i am from sw pa and fly fish meadow pretty often. i am still some what new to fly fishing and fly tying, just kinda picked it up a few years ago. still alot to learn.
Welcome,new here myself.
Lots of good advice/info here!!
Welcome pheasant tail.
Welcome PT. Your in my neck of Penns Woods. Its been a tough winter for fly fishing this year, but spring is just around the corner.
yeah i cant wait for spring, i think i have cabin fever
Welcome aboard.spring will show up when least expected.Jus a couple of more cold blasts and good bye,get your tackle ready.GG got a great attitude for an old timer heh'll find this site priceless in that you'll get answers to questions (don't be afraid to ask questions , there are no dumb questions) as an old warrior used to say on here "Question everything" Welcome to PAFF and welcome to a lifetime of tight lines and friendship.

Welcome PT

osprey wrote: got a great attitude for an old timer heh PT

Guilty on both counts.
Good advice , ask and ask ,millenia of experience here. GG

Of course he has a great attitude, he's down there in Fla and 80 temps :)

thanks for the advice guys. i know i am about ready for some 80 degree days.
Yes,80's and pollen all over the place,pass the kleenex. :cry: :pint: I need a cold one GG