New Frontier Pro Ultra-Light Water Filter



Sep 13, 2006
[color=000000]For years now we've been using various squeeze bottle water filters and they work great. The only drawback is their bulk. I got one of those new type of filters that screws onto any standard thread water bottle. So you can carry a very small bottle and use up much less space. The filter is very small and light. I love it and my old filter bottle is now retired.[/color]


I like the compact design.

I just bought a straw filter. It's about the size of a roll of dimes and comes with a detatchable bendy flex straw.
It was $8.25 and filters 60 gallons of water before it has to get chucked. Perfect for backpacking in mountian streams.
I just received a filter bottle by Katadhyn from my wife for my birthday. Katadhyn is a well respected supplier of serious camping and hiking gear. It is the size of a normal sport bottle and doesn't weigh much. I was told by my wife that it must find a home in one of the water bottle holders on my pack in case I forget or run out of water. I guess I should not have told her I had to drink from a creek one day or pass out from dehydration when I forgot water. I told her it no big deal since I use Cope it can't be too bad :-D
Sounds like a great product. I use a Katydyn filter and it's been a godsend on long hiking trips. By the way, I love the King Crimson album cover!
Wow that is small. Might be time to retire the PUR.

I think I drank a gallon of Penns last year.