New Forum and Features

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Staff member
Dec 13, 2021
So after using this current forum platform for 15 years I think it's getting time to look at some new options going forward. This forum is built off XOOPS and was very good for a long time. It does not offer many of the more contemporary features found in forums for a long time.

Currently, I'm thinking this would be something that would change later summer or fall. A lot of time.

I would like to hear from you on what features you like here now and what ones you think are lacking. This will help begin a more thorough search and evaluation.
Dave , I don’t know programming/tech but the only issue I have had is just the posting of pictures. Everything else is fine for me.

Thanks for the feedback.

So my main user wish list:
Improved photo handling
Mobile photo posting
Mobile app
Private messages
tag others
Link unfurling
Secure site
Looks like you covered some good points on the wish list. FWIW, if financial contributions from the posters on this site would help with the conversion, think it would be appropriate to put out a request. I think many would be more than glad to help. Just my 2 cents.
BTW, Baron sure will enjoy that “like” button. :lol:
The features you've listed cover the things i would hope to see included with an upgrade to the forum software. Sounds like you've already done a thorough job of evaluating what features most members would want. I'm looking forward to what you will be able to put into place. Hopefully, improved features will increase user participation for everyone.
There has been some good feedback over the years. Sadly it has been several years without my ability to get to add new features with the current forum.

There are several backend issues that plague me and the moderators. The biggest is bots registering on the site. When the site is open for registration, There can be 20-40 bot registrations and when left wide open for several days, there can be hundreds. It's a manual effort then to look at the new users and delete those accounts. You would be surprised at the number of people that have an occupation of High School and interests in Metal detecting.

Keep the ideas and feedback coming. I can't say I can include everything, but now is the time to lift the hood and look.

If you are going to put a "like" button, then we also need a "not like" or thumb down button.
tomgamber wrote:
GeneBeam wrote:

If you are going to put a "like" button, then we also need a "not like" or thumb down button.


Like. If you disagree, explain why. If you agree, no further explanation needed.
Sometime people make a statement that is so stupid that an explanation in not necessary. I have seen some on this forum and on others forums. My whole point is the one you just made, if you like what was posted then say why and let everyone know that you in fact read the complete post. If you want a like button then just move this forum to Factbook.
I do not like a like or dislike button. Maybe it's just me. I actually like the site just as it is except possibly the photo loading.
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