New Comer from Camp Hill



Feb 24, 2012
I tried fly fishing ten years ago. I didn't get too far beyond collecting a few rods...and tying a few flies (not very well). I would really like to learn the right way and maybe catch a fish or two. I am lucky enough to live about two miles from Trindle Springs and not too far from the Yellow Breeches. I can't find my flies so I am going to have to tye some new ones (it's just as well because the old ones were nothing to write home about). Does anyone have any suggestions on where I should begin? Any help would be appreciated.


Welcome Bill. The Breeches is probably a great place to start. Tie up some basic nymphs and go out and give them a try. There are a bunch of books and some videos, some may even be free online. Getting involved in TU will help both your local streams and you. You will make contacts who can cut down your learning curve dramatically. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
Welcome Bill.

As a newcomer to Fly-Fishing and this forum myself, I can say you are in for a lot of fun. Fish when you can and when you can't read this forum for some laughs and a lot of educations. There are some interesting arguments going on. Thought provoking and amusing at the same time.

There is also going to be an Instructional Jam for Newbies and not so newbies held by gentlemen of this forum. Look for 2012 Eastern PA Flyfishing Instructional Jamboree in the "Fly Fishing Announcements and Events section of this forum.

Good Luck,

I would spend the remaining cold days reading this forum and learning. This group has a lot to offer. I would also consider joining the TU locally or the Yellow Breeches Fishing Club.
You have a good area to work from with no shortage of quality water.

If you want to buy flies and gear start with the basics. There are several threads on here about starting a fly box and starter gear.
Get after it. Posting when you are going may get you a friend or two to start and for some basic instruction.
Welcome-and I have to smile at this post.About 15 years ago I was living in Bozeman Mt. and working at the local milk bottling plant.A fellow from Camp Hill came out to install some new equipment.Talking to him in the break room,I said how lucky he was to live in the middle of all that great trout fishing.I mentioned the Letort and he had never heard of it.That's when I realized not everyone was into fly fishing.If I remember correctly his thing was flying model
Hi Bill,

Welcome to this great site. I've been fly fishing for a while and if you have any questions by all means feel free to PM me. Regarding where to go I guess I'd recommend the Allenberry section of the Yellow Breeches as there are likely a bunch of fish in that water all the time.

There are also numerous other sections of the Breeches, located within open water, that have good fishing once the annual stocking program begins. I am retired, and only fish durng the week, but if you can ever get off work I'd enjoy taking you to a very nice open water section of the Breeches where I fish in the early spring that has good hatches and plenty of trout. Just PM me a few days in advance so I can be sure I'm able to go.
I tried fly fishing years ago but never quite got the hang of it. I did go over to a weekly class on Fly Tying at the Mechanicsburg Sportsman Club. I tied alot of flies...but not very well. Since I can't find the flies I tied...I am starting over tying new flies....I have moved twice since I tried fly fishing previously. I will sure be glad to take you up on getting together. I can get out a little early..and we'll go hit some spots. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome!
Welcome aboard. GG

Hi Bill

Welcome to the site, alot of great guys here, lot of them in your area myself included. You'll find this area to have some very good fishing. Hope we can get together and fish sometime. If you ever have any questions don't be afraid to PM me.

I would love to get together.....I'm not sure you'd call what I do's more like scaring the fish away. Hopefully you guys will be able to point me more in the fishing direction!
I would love to get together.....I'm not sure you'd call what I do's more like scaring the fish away. Hopefully you guys will be able to point me more in the fishing direction!