Check out Sierra Trading Post - they have a couple options at $200. I have a pair of low priced Simms I got from there two years ago and I have been very happy with them. (I think they were called Tributary or Headwaters. In any case, they were about $200) Before that I bought a pair of Simms G3 for something like $400+ and they were good, too. They didn't last that long, however. I had to repair them multiple times, not that I blame the waders - I bushwhack a fair bit. But after 4 seasons, I gave up trying to find the leaks. (There were a lot.) The new ones seem to actually be a bit more robust, that is resistant to puncture from briars.
One word about STP, though - they sell overstock/discontinued merch. It's my understanding that it does not include a warranty from Simms.