New Action Alert from the PA Camo Coalition



New member
Dec 14, 2010
Good Afternoon,

A new Action Alert can be found on the Pennsylvania Camo Coalition website.

This call to action is directed to the Chairman of the Energy and Environment Transition Team, requsting the Governor-elect to keep the leasing ban that Governor Rendell enacted in October. Governor -elect Corbett has stated he will lift the ban when he takes office in January.

The leasing ban ONLY prevents more state forest from being leased. State lands that are already leased, as well as private lands, are not affected by the ban.

According to a thorough, scientific assessment conducted by DCNR, the remianing state forest land that has not been leased contains sensitive environmental areas, are close to watersources, or have other ecological, scenic or economic value.

To learn more about this issue, as well as take action on this issue, please go to

Sportsmen working together can make a difference.

Ed Boito
PA Camo Coalition Coordinator
Done, Thanks for keeping us updated. I hope everybody signs up and sends out the E-mail.
Would you happen to have a link to that assessment from the DCNR? I'd be interested in reading the details.
Ed, you may want to do a facebook page as well, I know penn future has one. be a good way to reach even more folks and get the message out.