New #1 on My "Fish List"

Jack, the stream in question gets like that very quickly, maybe 150yrds or so, up from it's mouth.
About what wt2 said. The gradient begins to pick up petty quick. Can't necessarily see that from the mouth though.
Some great posts in here lately! I'm loving the travel reports and photo galleries.

Good reasons why Hatch magazine singled this forum out as a model of a good fly fishing site
Awesome stuff.

Thats the kinda stream I day dream about
This is a great story. I have a stream on my list that is eerily similar to this scenario. There are a few miles of bike/hike, and as you said, a river crossing.I have approached the river crossing before only to turn back at high water. And there is also a posted property route that looks much easier. The river also looks identical at the crossing spot to the picture you posted. Seeing, that you are from eastern pa, I doubt that its the same stream.

I doubt it too Fayette. I know what stream Swattie was at and if yours is in the LH, it's not the same stream.

Swattie, I am jealous. As we've discussed, that one's high on my list as well. Nice job.
pcray - I'd be happy to hire you on as first mate for a return voyage. In full disclosure however, the outer air chamber on the raft ($100 Cabelas job) has a slow leak. It’s not an issue for the 60 seconds or less needed to cross the river at a 90 degree angle, but it requires a refill with the pump for the return voyage after sitting for a few hours. A fresh set of 4 D batteries are a must for the trip. I certainly wouldn’t try any type of extended river rafting on it.

fayette - Yeah, if yours is in western PA, it's not the same stream. Yours sounds like a fun trip though. Post a report if you do it!
That is a terrific adventure. Thanks for sharing.
Great story. Thanks.

I think I had seen pictures of that stream before, but never been there.

I don't know which one it is, and don't tell me. ;-)
I loved this story and the result. Keep on living the dream.

It's one of my favorite fall spots, I'm still gonna pretend no one fishes it if that's alright with you.
I hope the new number one on your list is a little bit easier to get to!
Yes, I for one would like to know what kind of adventures you plan on having for the new number one as well.
Right now the new #1 in PA is more of a grouping of streams in a certain area. They're pretty rough and reasonably remote once you get up into them, but all of them can be accessed fairly easily on foot from a road and public land on their lower ends. There’s nothing like what was required for getting on the former #1. These could all probably be explored over a long weekend camping at a campground in the area.

I’ve got a couple out of state ideas that would be some real ball buster hiking type stuff, but again they don’t really have access issues…they are all on public land.

What made this one my holy grail for so long was the combination of how rugged and remote it was, coupled with its limited legal access…the easy way anyway.
"They're pretty rough and reasonably remote once you get up into them, but all of them can be accessed fairly easily on foot from a road and public land on their lower ends."

I have a few ones like this to try... if you look very closely, they have a road and public land where stream reaches the bottom of a mountain. Then if they are steep, drain enough land, have promising geology, etc., tend to be good. Leads to some interesting places for the car to sit, along busy road or in middle of nowhere.
Hardcore. Looks like a great adventure. Thanks for the pictures. Beautiful stream, and fish.
Swattie, take me there.
Beautiful piece of water. Thanks for sharing!