Never say never



Well-known member
May 26, 2009
I went up to my cabin on the WB Delaware on Monday afternoon to meet with some very close friends on Tuesday evening and take them to dinner to help me celebrate my 75th birthday.

Tuesday morning my very best friend of 55 years and I decided to do an early float from Shehawken to Buckingham. There was mist all over the water and I thought I would do something with streamers. My buddy only had to steer the Hyde at 3000 cfs but while I there in all the likely places I never turned a trout. We saw a few rising fish but even in that high water as soon as we put the anchor down they stopped rising.

We were well down river in the float, actually in what is called "Russ's Run". It is the next pool below Knight's. I was just sitting in the bow seat and he was fooling around with my 9' #7 rod with a gray over white #1 Clouser. He does a lot of Atlantic salmon fishing in Quebec and New Brunsick and was trying to throw the entire 90 feet of line.

I told him "John you are wasting your time, the sun is very high in the sky, it is hotter than Hell, you just can't raise a fish in these conditions. If you even hook a fish I will buy you dinner (I was going to buy him dinner anyway) So he said well if I do you give me this rig! Yea, right.

Well he isn't even paying attention to the line and is actually looking down at the nail knot I tied between the end of the fly line and the backing and he says "This is a very neat nail knot Matt". At that very moment he starts shouting "I've got one". I thought he was just kidding, I looked at the tip of the rod and sure enough it was bent and he had a fish on. After a few minutes he brought a big 16" chub (Fallfish) to the boat. We were both laughing about it. It taught me to never say never about anything related to how fish act! and no I didn't give him my rig.
Good story.

Happy birthday Matt. It's mighty nice that a best friend of fifty years can still jump in a drift boat with you. Would that we all could expect so many years of fishing with our closest friends. Wow.

Happy Birthday Matt.

Hope to meet and maybe fish with you one day.

Where did you go for dinner. ( always asking the important questions!)
Love this! Happy Birthday
Matt -
Happy birthday. That must've been "some" fallfish!
Happy 75th and many more! GG
Happy Birthday!
When it's high like that try the edges of the river, I've had plenty of success over the years fishing the edges elsewhere I see no reason it wouldn't work on the Delaware.
Thanks fellas for the wonderful birthday wishes. I took my fly fishing cronies to the Riverside Café along the Beaverkill. You go east on Route 17 from Hancock and get off at the Horton exit. I have dined in many fine restaurants in the US and at resorts in the Caribbean and this restaurant ranks right up there with the best of them.

The photo was taken in front of Wolf Creek Angler on the Missouri River in 2016. I was friends with the fellow on my left for fifty-eight (58) years. Sadly he passed at just 71 years in August of 2017. John, the fellow on my right I met just about a year or two later. We fished together for Atlantic salmon rivers on the Gaspe' in Quebec, to the spring creeks of Livingston, MT, to the chaos of the Salmon River in the mid 1980's, to the tranquil evenings casting little dry flies to big rising trout on my beloved Delaware.

After having touched literally thousands of trout the camaraderie of spending time with very close friends on the rivers we all love is far more meaningful, in the grand scheme of life, than catching another trout.



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Happy birthday Matt. I'm pretty sure I've seen John up there over the years. I don't know when you are closing up the cabin but you're welcome to join us for some fishing. September 29 - October 2 and then again October 12 - 15
I also enjoyed your story, Matt.

After spending the past 17 summers in Montana, it looks like I’ll now be spending more of my time in PA from now on. I used to fish the Upper Delaware’s quite a lot before going to Montana for much of the year, but I’m expecting to get reacquainted with it from now on. I hope to be able to meet some of you guys there sometime in the future.


P.S. I don’t mind rowing all day, and am comfortable doing that, if any of you guys need someone to handle the oars while you catch the fish.

Funny, as my wife got a large chub in that pool on Sunday. Right after telling her I have never caught a fish in the mid section of it. I got a nice rainbow in the tailout.