Never Hoped for a Hurricane Before

It looks like the storm is going to pass too far to the south to be of any help to the areas of Pa that need the rain the most.
Very possible. The storm track prediction has moved 300+ miles one way and then back over the last few days. We should have a more definite path tomorrow afternoon. Sure would like to see us get at least an inch out of this thing.
krayfish2 wrote:
Very possible. The storm track prediction has moved 300+ miles one way and then back over the last few days. We should have a more definite path tomorrow afternoon. Sure would like to see us get at least an inch out of this thing.

that's what i find frustrating. ooh look they might get rain before we go to camp...nevermind...oh there it is again...nevermind...

need to stop looking until the day before.
Seven day QPF is calling for 1.75"-4.00" for most of the northern and western halves of the state, Even at the low end, that'll help some..
RLeep2 wrote:
Seven day QPF is calling for 1.75"-4.00" for most of the northern and western halves of the state, Even at the low end, that'll help some..
I would be more than elated if that comes to pass!
I hope for one and maybe two hurricanes remnants to park over western PA in the coming days. I won’t speak for northern PA or eastern PA but here in Western PA we’ve really had no rain very little rain and it keeps veering to the north or to the south and we are the void the rain void in the middle.
Lycoming, Clinton, Potter, and Cameron Cos are all still dry as tinder. We really need a week long soaking rain.
Still low in Clinton co. Still dropping but rsin forecast for tomorrow. Walked a cr
Across the West Branch this morning. Managed one smallish
and three really big fall fish. All on gurglers just upstream in the Sinne.


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What an amazing year given the "haves" and the "have nots."

SE PA is under a flash flood watch, one of many this summer.

My grass (in SEPA) has never been greener in July, August and now in September, which is historically the driest month of the year.

And yet Central and parts of western PA is still in the middle of a drought.

Rain in the SE has come from storms riding up the coast, for the most part.

Very strange.

Hopefully the rainfall for all of PA will shift to the normal range soon.
Todays rain forecast for much of the affected region is looking like .1-.25" of rain.... at least cool temps are on the way. Little to no rain shown in extended forecasts either.
Its really cool. The Delaware is sooooo low. While the Bushkill has never looked better in Sept. Martins Creek is typical for this time of year. Look for the cool stuff like where do the fish congregate, what was the cause of your snags a certain places over the preceding season, what other species are doing well (birds of prey and so forth). Ultimately its not about the fist but rather its about the whole picture with winners and losers that all even out in the end.

Be glad for what you got. Next year it may be too much rain. Its nature. And don't fall for those stories about it being man made. Remember there used to be ice one mile thick sitting right on top of us.
I’m here on Scoville Hill Road in Potter county. It’s raining slow and steady. Don’t know how long it will last but it is so far slow and steady for an hour.